
Episode-13|| "Practical proof"

David ran towards Sienna. Grace frowned at the two pieces of the chocolate cake which were the only ones left after distributing on paper plates." Why does he care for her?", grumbled she, bulging her reddening eyes at the two. David patted Sienna's cheeks while her eyes remained closed with tears rolling down her cheeks. His eyes couldn't take themselves off hers. He swallowed his fear, whispering to her, "Nancy, I can't lose you again. What happened now?"

"David, what's wrong with you? I am not Nancy. Even after reminding you every single time, you still don't reform", complained she, removing his hands from her cheeks.

"Shut up and tell me why you are unable to open your eyes", shouted David, catching her cheeks again, this time firmer that he tightened his fists in her cheeks like the passenger of an aircraft tightening their seat belt before the flight take-off.

Sienna opened her eyes halfway and shivered a bit, as she shared, "Spray went into my eyes. Ouch! It's burning!"He carried her in his cozy arms and hurried towards the bedroom beside the stairs.

"David! What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Leave me!", exclaimed she, as he rested her head gently on the pillow and left her on the bed. He rushed to close the door. Grace held the door and shrugged at him, asking, "Leave her to me. I will help my friend. Get back to the hall..."

He shook his head and closed the door on her face. She fell back to the floor. She stood up and stared at the door for the next couple of seconds. Tears flooded her eyes as she ran upstairs.

" Such a merdo you are! How dare you carry a woman without seeking her permission? This is so damn unfair...", continued she while his eyes went hither and thither on the shelves above the bed, looking for eyedrops.

She stood straight and witnessed a blurred vision of him running towards the wardrobe opposite. Just as she stepped down from the bed, she stumbled on the study table beside."Ouch!", exclaimed she, as she lost balance and was about to fall.

"Nancy! Watch out!", screamed he, rushing towards her. He wrapped his right hand around her waist and caught her in the eleventh hour. Her eyes were closed out of fear. She slowly opened them to look at his sharp and cold-hearted eyes accompanied by a small layer of anxiety.

He carried her again and put her back on the bed. He opened her eyes forcefully and put a drop and another leaving a gap of about a minute. As she closed her eyes, he sat beside her." Open your eyes only after I tell you", informed he, noting the time on his wristwatch.

"Oh please! Drops won't work", she discouraged him and extended her hands to rub her eyes.No sooner had she begun than he caught her hands, screwing, "Stop! one should never rub one's eyes."

She faked a burst of laughter, mocking him, "I have always been rubbing my eyes since childhood. Nothing happened ever! Fuck off!"

"Sienna, shut up. Wait for the next two minutes and you can go. I have added drops to your eyes so you will be fine", convinced he.

"Did you just call me Sienna? But I am Nancy, right? Hahaha! You are mad", she teased him, at which he looked at her and shook his head.

"Hey you, leave my hand...Do you think you are a romantic hero? You catch my hands as you wish, catch my hips suddenly, and even carried me now. Mr.Frownman, you are crossing your limits now...", warned she, attempting to push his hands away from her, but all in vain.

"It's burning inside. Oh no! If I rub my eyes, I am sure I will be alright within moments and you...Urgh!Are you a doctor?", argued she.

He tightened her hands in his, scolding her, "Why are you so notorious? Haven't your parents taught you how to act mature?"

She managed to open her eyes slowly. She sobbed at his strict frown and rude eyes. She shook her head, at which he gave her a wicked smile, commenting, "Today I believe in the hereditary and inheritance chapter which I learned back in my tenth grade. You are a practical proof."

"Irresponsible parents will have irresponsible children. Hahaha!", laughed he, insulting her. She sat up and continued sobbing. Her tears narrowed his grin. She joined her hands and begged him, "Please don't talk ill of my dead parents. Bitch whatever you want about me but not about my parents."

As she got down from the bed, he caught her hand and pulled her towards him. Her hand rested on his chest. His lips neared her ear and he whispered, "You had told me that you are an orphan. I'm sorry I forgot about it."She threw her mouth open as his 'sorry' echoed in her heart.

"Did you just say sorry?", confirmed she, at which he nodded, smiling a bit. She smiled in return and turned away to leave the room. They heard crackers bursting outside on the street.

Sienna looked back at him and smiled, exclaiming, "Wow!Crackers!"She hurried towards the windows beside the wardrobe at the end of the room. She chuckled and smiled at the beautiful patterns, some in yellow and some in green, getting formed in the night sky.

David closed his ears at the noise and scenes of a beautiful girl in a black hairband screwing him and leaving his house flashed in front of his eyes; it was a night and people were bursting crackers in the neighboring street for some occasion.

Meanwhile, Sienna gestured him to stand beside her and adore the crackers. He ran towards her and hugged her firmly. She pushed him and managed to release herself. He held her cheeks in his hands and requested, "Nancy, please listen to me before things go downhill. Don't go outside. I don't want to lose you once again."

"Nancy again? No! I am Sienna", reminded she, pushing him and running back towards the door. He followed and caught her. They lost balance and fell to the floor. She breathed hard as his chest rubbed hers. They were lost in each other's eyes for the next couple of seconds.

As she frowned and attempted to push him away, he held her tighter, shouting, "Shut up, Nancy! Don't act. I can't risk your life again...."Her hand suddenly hit his face hard. He closed his eyes and recollected Nancy slapping him hard that night.

"I am sorry! Sorry, David...I didn't mean to slap you..", she apologized. He slowly opened his eyes and neared her face. He caught her cheeks, clarifying, "That night you slapped me, broke up with me due to a small misunderstanding, and left. I lost you. But, I can't bear the pain again. History shouldn't repeat."

Drops of tears fell on her cheeks as he began crying."I am Sienna, not Nancy. What has been wrong with you these days? Can't you recognize people properly?..."

He smooched her soft lips and forced his tongue inside her mouth. She kept hitting his chest to stop him. However, he forcibly hugged her tongue at which she pressed his shoulder. He opened his wet eyes and smiled at her. At last, she pushed him and managed to escape.

"Hey, why are you pushing me like that?", asked David.

She wiped her tears, looked back, and headed towards him, yelling, "Who the hell is Nancy? Why are you calling me that?"

He shook his head, frowned, and refused, "No! I never called you by the name. Why are you imagining? I called my Nancy 'Nancy'.What's wrong in doing so?"

"Hopeless!", exclaimed she, crying and running outside the room. She bumped into a sad Grace descending the stairs. Grace frowned and checked her out, asking, "What happened?"Sienna remembered David smooching her lips and she shook her head, faking a smile. She was about to leave when her friend caught her hand rudely, asking, "What were you guys doing inside the bedroom? Why did he have to carry you ad rush?"

Sienna released herself, explaining, "Dude, something fell into my eyes. Anyone would have cared. Not a big deal!"

"Oh! Is it? Then why didn't he let me see you though I volunteered? None of us noticed you in trouble. Why did he rush? Were all of us dead?", argued Grace. She raised her hand to slap Sienna. Zara interrupted, "Grace! Where is David?"She pointed towards the bedroom as David came walking outside.

"Oh! You're here!", exclaimed Zara, smiling at him. Sienna turned at him and swallowed her fear. As he walked towards the gang of ladies, she asked Sienna, "You-Grace's friend is a chef, right?"Sienna turned back as she shook her.

"I am Zara, Grace's sister-in-law. I am a food blogger"She nodded, as she requested, "Can you please share a few tips for food blogs?"She ignored Zara who hugged and thanked her, as she saw David staring at her and walking towards her. She began stepping backward slowly.