Behind the Secret of the Moonflower

Kaja uses his stealth, he sees the movement of the self-defense forces, which are quite a lot of them using tents. The marks they wear from their clothes are the Windstorm College. They were the largest college in the Frost Line. Kaja remembers that they all came because of the Moonflower.

It will be an endless war in the Tulisma Forest. The information had spread very quickly. Hopefully, the white flow swordsmen who met each other didn't fight each other and they had to help each other out.

The real enemy was the army of darkness, they had to be aware of that. If they were still greedy for the power of the Moonflower artifact to own it then they would clearly be divided. The real threat was the Demon Lord army, but the greed of the warriors was the main one to deal with.

Division and greed will destroy the warriors themselves.