Better Things To Do

Everest was slowly earning Ophelia's trust. The sun was high in the sky, but her rays softened from the gentle swaying clouds. Birds chirped and fluttered in the distance, dancing upon branches, their wings spreading against the mellow breeze. The air was filled with mild floral that was just enough to smell good, but not tickle the nose. Blades of grass whistled whenever the wind blew. Not a single flaw was in sight.

Shielded under a thin umbrella that sparsely let in the warmth of the sunlight, a duo sat and conversed about the most random of things over a pot of refreshing mint tea, mini-sandwiches, the trendiest desserts, and wet towels to clean the fingers after every bite.

"So that is why you're all alone," Everest muttered. "He is always off at meetings or training sessions?"