Cruelest Addiction

The days after the war flew by in a blink. The kingdom was attempting to rebuild after the resources lost in the battlefield, and the nation was slowly accepting the idea of a Crown Princess. The hierarchy between humans, werewolves, and vampires remained the same, as all things should've been.

Eventually, the country entered that sweet period of peace after war where everyone agreed to not murder each other—for now. Pack Mavez continued renovating and fixing the damaged infrastructure, starting from the mansion to the small villages surrounding the dukedom.

Ophelia spent her time touring the renovation to monitor progress in place of Killorn who was overseeing training. In her free time, she'd entertain the children with the hopes of distracting them from their busy parents and the reconstruction equipment.

"You smell different, Luna," a little boy said, sniffing up at her in curiosity.

"I've also noticed!" another quickly jumped in. "Since last week!"