Chapter 11

Jack overheard the fight between fresher and senior gangster. So, he ran up to that location as fast as he can. When he ran upstairs, he hear that the fresher who face the senior gang leader is YooLim. He was extra worrying for her. However, they weren't close friends yet. He worried for her because he know how bad they are. He was going upstairs like the wind and open the door. He shoved the students away and go to space. He shouts up, "Stop it, Tei Sun". Then, he saw the unbelievable scene. She was standing there and Tei Sun and everyone fall to the floor with bruises. She smiled up at him by saying, "Do you know them?". Jack said, "You, who are you really". She was fitting up her outfit back again and said, "I am the fighter at my past school". Then, she stepped toward him by saying, "If I can't do such a thing, they won't stop disturbing us". The students were clapping when she left. They were shoving away by themselves for giving the road to her. She went downstairs with the smile of a winner. He was following her with questions in his mind. She wasn't looking back. For him, she was being attractive than before. He tried to catch her steps and stop her by standing in front of her. She said, "Whatever you want to ask, ask me later". He was spreading his hands and legs out and said, "I will not let you go". She said, "Hello, I must go back to the classroom because it's time to go home". He said, "What?". She said, "The school bell rang already why don't you go back to your classroom and leave". He said, "Stop trying to ignore me". She said, "Look everyone ran up to their classroom". He said, "I have night class". She said, "I need to go back now and rest and bath and then come back here around 7 pm". He said, "Alright, we will meet again". She said, "How can we?". He said, "What are you saying?". She said, "You know the teachers are around how can we get out". He said, "you are weirder than the first day". She said, "Don't judge someone else before you know that person well". Then, she leaves by passing under his arm. He saw her smile when she pass him. He was looking at her and seeing a different person. He thought he is daydreaming. So, he hit his face with his own hand. But she was getting slim and beautiful at that time. Her eyes were the same but her face is different. He didn't know what he see right now. He remembered her bow which she tie her hair every day. So, he was sure that was her.

At the new company, his manager was starting to take on a new duty and learn the rules and regulations and also build relationships with colleagues. Every company had a different style of working environment. But he was being a warm and friendly person. That's why everything is not hard for him. He was working so hard to get a project to start again as manager. He had a big plan since he join this company. He knew they will accept him. But he wanted his idol to get a place here as a trainee. This company was being bigger than the past entertainment company. He wasn't starting with the manager of someone else yet. Therefore, he is strongly conscious of his duties assigned by the department head and manager. While he working, he couldn't look up at the wall. When he looked at the clock, it was already 6 pm night. He needed overtime here. But he worried for him. So, he picked up the phone and call home. There had no one to pick up the phone. Then, he called Jack's handphone. There was no answering too. He told himself, "Maybe he is with his friends?". After that, he stood up from the desk and head toward the kitchen. There, he could buy fast food with coins. He was buying the curry rice and green tea. And then, he took it back to the office. He had his dinner there and back to work. After he finished, he look up at the wall. He said, "It's time to go home". Then, he drove back home. He didn't see anything strange on the way back home. But he saw a strange person standing in front of their building. He thought it was just the homeless guy so he stop his car at the parking area and closed the car door with a key. And then, he headed to the building. When he was ready to get inside, that person is still standing there. He felt the cold wind from that person. However, he ignored it and head inside by opening the door. When he get into the elevator, he saw that strange guy again there. He felt strange and scared so he gets out of the elevator and chooses the stairs to go back. He was opening the door right next to the elevator and run upstairs. At last, he reached the floor where their home exists. He opened the door to get out. But he saw the guy in a black shirt and black pants with a black cap and wet shoes. He was shocked to see this guy three times. So, he was running up to reach his apartment as fast as he can. When he passed him, he try not to look at that guy. Then, he stood in front of the door and put the key in the keyhole. His frightened mind was causing him trouble opening the door. At that time, Jack was opening the door. He was screaming out loud because he is scared. Jack said, "Shh, Why are you shouting here?". Then, he went inside in a hurry. Jack saw an abnormal face expression on his face. So, Jack asked, "why are you turning out like this?". He said, "Whew, it's nothing Jack". Jack said, "Are you seeing ghosts outside?". He said, "Stop saying nonsense we are buying the new apartment so why is there a ghost". After he said, the door get hit by something worse. They both screamed out loud. Then, they heard the screaming rude words from neighbors. Jack said, "I told you not to scream". He said, "You also did". Jack said, "i am almost dead because of you". He said, "Don't say such a thing at night". Jack said, "Alright, go to bath and go to sleep". He asked, "What about your dinner?". Jack said, "I already ate with my friend". He said, "Why aren't you picking up the phone call?". Jack said, "I forgot to unmute it back". He said, "Don't ever do that again". Jack said, "Alright, stop acting like aunt". He said, "You little brat". Then, Jack went back into his room. And then, he put his suitcase on the table and take off his coat, and put it on the couch. Then, he went into the bedroom for taking shower.