Chapter 22

At the lunch time break, Jack was finding YooLim everywhere. He found her classmates sitting near the counter. He went to them for asking where she is. Suddenly, his friends came up to him and drag to their desk. He couldn't get a chance to talk with her classmates. He was sitting with his friends and eat the pork rib stew and the chicken leg soup. He was looking at their place from there. His friends were looking at him and said, "Hey, where are you looking at". Then, he said, "Nothing". His classmate said, "your eyes say you find someone over there". He said, "Stop teasing me". After having lunch, he headed to the chemistry class near the infirmary. He felt down to meet his partner Changle again. Changle would happy to see him and her mouth will reach the ears. He hate that kind of girls. Therefore, he tried to neglect them all the time. He didn't know why all the girls make the rumors about date with him. He admit that he is popular among girls before he join in entertainment company. He was spending all his time on training to become a pop idol. However, the girls dragged him down to the ground. He had to start his life again and the girls keep disrupt his ordinary school life. He stopped his thinks when he open the door. As he thought, Changle is standing there and showing her teeth by smiling upward. He told himself inside his mind, "If the girls are like YooLim, I may communicate with them well".

At the same time, YooLim was spending her time in the infirmary. The nurse was telling her to take a rest. She ate the meat bun already from nurse. The doctor was taking a day off so the school nurse look after the students today. None of them knew her condition and she doesn't want to tell them either. She was turning to the left side and try to forget the pain. She said herself, "It's like something travel inside my stomach". She hoped the pain will gone soon. Then, she fell asleep on the bed and the wind reach the infirmary well. The slow wind breeze took the scent of flowers and grass. She felt the freshness and reach the ancient world. In her dream, she travelled back to time. Then, she saw a ghost lady on the stage with full of stage lights. She was walking around the tables under the stage. And then, she noticed the people sit at the highest place. She said, "It's like the Japanese colonial time movies". Then, she walked up to there by taking the side stairs. When she reached, she notice the view is too great. The people above there could see the singer's beauty and hear the song clearly. The people under the stage couldn't see the great view and clean and clear voice of song. And then, she saw the man who stand behind the curtain. That lady was winking up to him all the time. She looked at them and look at the people who can see those facial reaction clearly. Then, she reached the back stage and see them kiss passionately. She was covering her eyes and try to run away from there. She just didn't want to disturb them. At that time, the other lady found them and run up to them. The guy was pushing that lady and say he is sorry to the other lady. The other lady looked like his wife or something. But the singer lady was telling him, "Coward why are you playing my feeling". He said, "I am loving you both". The other lady said, "Stop telling me like this". He said, "Ming is my muse now". The other lady said, "What about me?". He said, "You are my wife". Ming said, "you tell me that you will divorce her". The other lady said, "What is that meaning, Wang". Then, she woke up. She was putting her hand on the forehead by saying repeatedly, "Did she die because of them?". She told herself, "Who took her house and rebuild and decorate?". She knew it will relate to her father's employer. But she couldn't dig more by herself. She was feeling stuck in there. Then, she shoved those thinks away from brain.

Xin was heading to the hotel. On his way to hotel, the car was heading straight to his car. He couldn't move back or forth because the traffic light is still red. As he thought, the car which lose control is bumping the front car. The domino effect was causing him stuck in the car. He couldn't get out from the car and the other cars are starting fire. Then, he fainted in the car because of pain. After that, he opened his eyes and see the nurse girl. He asked, "Where am I?". The nurse said, "You are now in hospital emergency room". He was trying to move. But the nurse said, "You can't able to move now". He said, "I am okay". At that time, the nurse said, "Look at yourself so please give the phone number to call your family member to let them know". He said, "Please don't". The nurse said, "we must do it so you just need to give me the contact number". At last, he gave the phone number of Jack to them. He didn't want Jack to worry about him. He felt sorry for not finishing the job and lay here.

The taxi which took MeiRu and her friend to the hotel see the biggest car crash. They were coming from the other side because of the car crash they can not pass the center to go to the hotel. They must waited for clearing up. At that time, MeiRu saw the people who stuck in their cars. So, she couldn't sit and wait at there. Then, she opened the door and run up to there for helping people. After her, her friend also got out of the taxi. They were heading to find the people in the car and try to help them. They took the people out. And then, she saw the person who faint in the car. At that time, the fire man arrived and they take him out carefully. She was trying to save them harder. When the ambulance took them to hospital, she and her friend try to get the taxi and head to the hotel. They knew they will late to attend the seminar. At least, they must catch the end.