Chapter 57

YooLim was singing with her team on the stage and many people come to listen her song. Among the audience, Jack was blowing whistle up to raise her emotion. After she sang, she get many appraising sounds from audiences. And then, she went back down from stage. Behind the stage, her brother Xiao Zhan and Tei Sun were holding the beautiful bouquets. She was looking around them without asking. At that time, Charlien Shen surprised her by jumping out from the cloth stand. There were many clothes hanging so she doesn't notice him. When he jumped out, she is holding her chest and said, "Don't scare me like this". Charlie said, "Sorry". And then, Jack appeared with the rose bouquet. Jack was hiding his face behind the bouquet. But she noticed him by looking at his shoes. Jack was wearing the shoes which she give the last Christmas present. They were sharing the present at the last time before she turn into coma. When he stepped forward, YooLim is pushing her brother towards him. Jack was not noticing that's her brother. Jack was kneeling down and raise his bouquet up to her brother. YooLim was hiding behind Tei Sun and Charlie Shen. Jack stopped saying his confession when he notice the shoes are not right. Jack looked at the person's face and falling back down. Xiao Zhan was pouting his lips and said, "I can not accept your feeling". Jack was shouting, "YooLim where are you". YooLim was covering her mouth and laughing quietly. Charlie Shen said, "You are too naughty over those years". YooLim said, "Hey". Jack said, "You heard everything so can you please answer me". YooLim said, "Not yet". Jack said, "Why". YooLim said, "If you want the answer, come and meet me at tomorrow 10 am at the cafe Ci Hua". Jack said, "Okay". And then, they watched her leave. YooLim's family came to pick her up and Xiao Zhan is taking the ride along with her. Jack was heading back to his apartment without Changle. Changle left alone at the school because of her juniors. Tei Sun and Charlie headed towards their ways after YooLim leave.

Jack was choosing the best suit and shoes for going to important date. His manager noticed something is changing on his face. So, His manager asked, "Do you need help?". Jack said, "I don't need help from single like you". His manager said, "Who say?". Jack said, "If not, why are you staying at home in friday". His manager said, "My girlfriend is the doctor and we have a date at this evening". Jack said, "Don't tell me that". His manager said, "You guess is right". Jack was dropping the jacket and said, "Is it YooLim's aunt?". His manager was nodding up to him while drinking hot bean milk. Jack said, "How can she fall in love with you?". His manager said, "Watch your mouth". Jack said, "Please, give me some advise". His manager said, "No, I won't". Jack said, "YooLim give me answer today so please". His manager sighed and put the cup of hot bean milk on table and walk forward to him. Jack was looking at his manager with full of hope. And then, his manager took time to choose the clothes for him. Finally, Jack said, "Are you sure about it?". His manager said, "Girl love soft color so this is right". Jack went outside and head towards the cafe.

After the funfair day, YooLim's mother asked her about her relationship with Jack. YooLim said, "There is nothing to do with him". Zheng said, "Didn't you love him?". YooLim said, "Mom, he has a woman to marry already". Zheng said, "Don't lie your heart?". YooLim said, "I know what I am doing". Then, YooLim was finding the right clothes to go and meet him. YooLim chose the black cheongsam dress and put on the fancy accessories on her hand and ears. After that, she style her hair with diamond headband and put on light makeup and orange red lip tint. When she finished, she look at herself in mirror and give a kiss. At that time, Zheng went into her room and said, "Are you sure about this look?". YooLim said, "I feel confident when I dress like that". Zheng said, "Come back home early today because your father's birthday". YooLim said, "I know". Then, she was leaving home and head towards the cafe with confident steps. On her way up to there, she was thinking about the past. However, Jack was acting like good person. YooLim knew his two side of faces. Since their first time meeting, Jack ever treated her like the servant. YooLim was helping him all the time but Jack ever tell bad along with his friends about her. Before he left her, YooLim heard about it from Tei Sun. YooLim could not believe her ears. Then, YooLim heard he say and laugh with the girls while talk about her. Those were being the reason why she decide to lose more wights to become a beautiful girl. Now, he came back and confess to her. But YooLim knew he is exactly the person who play with girl's feelings. At his past life, he used to live like this. YooLim tried not accept the person like him. Finally, she see the signboard of the cafe at the corner of the road. On her way to Ci Hua cafe, she noticed everyone look at her. YooLim loved this feeling. After she came alive, the relationship between her mother and her change. Also the others parts of her life changed. YooLim could not believe on her talent and skill sometime but she feel proud of herself.

At the cafe, Jack was covering his face with hat and sunglasses. But everyone in the cafe looked at him like a stranger. Then, he called the waiter and order some hot tea first. After he made a order, he saw her walk into the cafe beautifully. Jack noticed YooLim doesn't like the dress like this before. But Jack kept that out of his mind quickly. And then, he raised his hand and wave up to her. Then, she nodded back and walk forward to him. When she got closer to him, Jack stand up and greet her politely. She said, "You don't have to stand up and greet to me like this senior". Jack said, "Just call me my name". She said, "Nevermind please have a seat". Jack was taking off his glasses and put it on the table. And then, the waiter came up to their table. YooLim said, "Is that okay to you?". He looked at his glasses on table and said, "Fine". YooLim said, "Good". After the waiter was placing the tea cup, YooLim order the ice coffee for her. Jack was waiting until the waiter leave. After that, Jack started to ask her for her answer. YooLim took the glass of water and drink it. And then, YooLim told him, "I am sorry, I can not accept your love". Jack said, "Why?". YooLim looked straight into his eyes by saying, "I don't want to be your toy again". Jack was immediately holding her hand and she move back. YooLim said, "What are you doing?". Jack said, "I show you my love and my feeling but why you reject me". YooLim smiled and said, "It's my own right to accept or reject". Jack said, "Tell me the reason". YooLim said, "You always play with my feeling at the past either you notice it or not". Jack said, "I never play you before". YooLim said, "Now, I see you have the perfect girl beside you and you still want to play with me". Jack said, "Changle is my CEO's daughter so she is nothing more than that". YooLim said, "I don't care your relationship". Then, YooLim stood up by saying, "Let's end up our conversation here and don't talk about it again". When she headed up to the door, Jack run after her. All the people in the cafe looked at them. So, he put his glasses back on and try to catch her.

YooLim went out of the cafe and bump into someone she know. That person was Charlie Shen so she told Charlie can you give me a ride". Charlie said, "Get in". Then, Charlie was driving to the best place he know. YooLim was gazing through the window without talking anything to Charlie. Charlie looked at her face once and know something bad was happening to her now. When the car stopped, YooLim asked him, "Where are we?". Charlie said, "Come on, get out and take my hand". YooLim was looking at him by saying, "Okay". charlie was helping her to open the door and take her hand. Then, they headed towards the shore and Charlie told her, "Close your eyes". YooLim said, "Why?". Charlie said, "Just listen to me". YooLim said, "Okay". They were spending for hours at there without talking much. YooLim was breathing in and out by opening her chest. Charlie was sitting on the bench and waited for her until she was willing to tell him everything. When she turned around, Charlie said, "Let's go to fill our stomach". YooLim nodded up to him and they go to the nearby restaurant.