Adam returned his car hesitated to drive. He took out a tissue to wipe Kira's cum off his pants. The memories of the vampire he met the night before couldn't leave him be. He couldn't wrap his head around the reality that his mate, who had been thought to be dead was ALIVE. To make things worse, she was a vampire. Worst of it all was that was not even interested in her at all. 

"Argh!" Adam punched the steering wheel. The horn blared in the empty street.

He wasn't sure whether to inform his mother about what he had just found out. "Hey mom, found my mate today. And guess what? She's a vampire." It just didn't make any sense to Adam. One thing was certain to him, she would cause problems for him if not now, later. That was was hundred percent sure of.

"Isn't it better for Mom to find out that my mate is a vampire anyway? I don't think she'd approve of her, would she?

Adam thought it was best to let his mother know about the current situation. That will make her stop bothering him. 

"Right I'd just tell her about this whole shit."

The car engine revved softly. He pulled the gear and stepped on the accelerator. But before the car could move anywhere, a heavy object crashed atop his windshield.

Nothing made Adam extra upset than seeing a big crack in the windshield of his favorite "baby".

He rushed out of the driver's seat, ready to deal mercilessly with the perpetrator. But standing in front of him was Kira.

"Hey! What the fuck did you just do, huh? How much more money did you need that you had to bash my screen. Huh?" Adam fumed.

It was then he noticed that someone else was standing beside Kira, it was the cause of his new headache, Sarah.

Kira ran to Adam's car and hid behind him, her dampened hair sticking to her sweaty face. A few butterflies circled her insides on being right behind Adam. On the other hand, Adam was frustrated he came across Sarah again. He felt a tugging at his chest inside of him.

His lycan was calling out to Sarah. Adam felt a surge of heat and cold run through his body at the same time. His mate was standing in front of him, definitely not the fate he wanted. One would like to admit that Adam, despite being from a powerful and rich family, definitely didn't have everything on a platter of gold. 

Well he got hot looks, one women would want to die for. He's powerful and tough and a little bit soft when it's needed. None-the-less, situations like this where Adam wished he was never a wolf were not that far from him.


"Dammit," he cursed. 

His heart raced, and this was something he hated. Why did it have to be her? Like there are hundreds of thousands of women out in the world! Why did it have to be a maniac from... probably space.

"Why are you out here again?" He questioned her stoutly, looking straight in her black eyes. 

Sarah wondered why Adam had come to interfere in her matter...again. This was one thing Sarah hated so much. If she were to be in her home, rewinding hundreds of centuries to the past, she would have dealt with such people by draining the fucking life out of them.

Once again, she craved such meals. Sarah could almost smell fresh human blood in her nostrils. Now, all she could do was eat tiny hares, with so much difficulty. 

The early morning breeze graced her long bronze hair, making a few strands sway from left to right across her face. Adam was the last person she wanted to set her eyes on that morning, and the fact that he has been appearing around her lately irked her.

"I should address that question to you as well, don't you think? Why are you in my presence?" Her nostrils expanded and relaxed, following the ticking best of her angry vampire heart. 

If only I could suck his veins dry. She thought to herself. She pictured herself with those sharp competent fangs, grabbing unto Adam's shirt, sniffing him out, relishing the meal she's about to have. Slowly diving through his skin, electric currents clinging to her teeth while her lips and tongue work in chorus to draw food from his damn veins.

Sarah licked her lips, playing put the whole scenario in her head with Adam standing about a yard in front of her, and Kira next to her shivering.

His husky voice sent her out of the journey she was having on her head.

"You belong to the jungle, don't you? So you need not act like you own the streets too." He told her. Adam shut the door to his car and went arms akimbo. His black tank top peeked out of his buttoned-half-way-up brown shirt. The tattoo on his chest didn't hide itself too.

She did not respond, but her gaze never left his. She was so angry, but tried holding herself back from doing anything that'd make Kira know she's a vampire. She had already tried her vampire antics on a human (Adam), which only ended up in futility. Sarah didn't want to waste her time doing that again.

She moved an inch closer down from the hilly road, but before Sarah was able to move any further, the other lady spoke.

"She tried to kill me, Adam," Kira broke the awkward silence, as she was not comfortable with Adam and Sarah looking at each other and saying nothing.

Sarah widened her eyes and turned to Kira.

"Holy Vikings! I wasn't trying to kill you, girl." She waved her hands in front of her face.

"Then why was she running from you?" Adam snapped. It was then he noticed Sarah was wearing a nightdress. It was worn inside out. 

"Don't I have the right to cloth myself?" She asked rhetorically.

Adam smirked, walking a little closer to them. The gentle morning wind ran a little through his hair, making them sit back. This showed more of his forehead. He had such a great facial shape. 

"You don't. You shouldn't take other people's things forcefully. That's selfishness." 

"I don't care." Sarah told him.

"Release the girl," she added, walking aimfully towards them. 

Kira backed away, while Adam stood still. He was prepared to attack her now. He couldn't run from her, he wasn't going to look lame in front of his subject.

"Run! Take the path to the oak tree. It's the shortest route," he told Kira. She hesitated at first, but she fled on second thought.

Sarah was furious now. She lunged at Adam and tried to dig her long sharp nails in his neck. Adam was very much tempted to release his lycan. His eyes were slowly turning to flame blue.

"Why did you make her flee? I needed her footwear, you bonehead." 

Adam snapped out of his transforming self and pushed Sarah away. He dusted his shirt and looked at her, wondering at how dangerous and needy she was at the same time. She was proud, he could tell, because who acts like that when they should be begging for help...or at least "pretend" to be nice.

"If you need shoes, then beg for it, not exerting power on things that are not yours. Did you not learn manners where you came from?"

"Watch it!" She shunned him.

Adam could see sense she's going to hurt others as well. What if someone else is attacked and doesn't have anywhere to tun to? He went to meet Sarah, grabbing her firmly by the wrist. Surprisingly, she didn't hesitate. Adam made her sit in the passenger's seat and tried to use the seatbelt on her. 

Sarah stopped him from pulling the belt thinking he's trying to tie her up. Adam brushed off her hand, telling her to stay still. 

"It's safety precaution. Don't you even know that too?"

She shook her head.

"You barely know anything, huh, and you go around causing trouble." Adam remarked, shutting the door to her side. He left the car and dashed into a busy nearby. Sarah's eyes followed him from inside the car. One part of her wanted her to stay patient and calm in the car, but her vampire instincts urged her to avoid being caged in a human's car. 

She tried unbuckling the belt, but didn't know how they worked. She kept tugging at it, trying to use her teeth to cut the belt off of her slim self. This didn't look like a fucking a fucking safety precaution to her. Was he trying to take her somewhere to be caged? Again? Never.

"Safety pre-pre...pre function my foot! Argh!" 

Sarah kept struggling to free herself. The car bounced along with the heavy movements she was making in the car. 

An approaching travel bus blared it horns in her ears. Sarah drummed her hands vehemently on the dashboard in a bid to grab the attention of the passengers. Only if she knew the car's glasses were tinted and she could only see outside, but whoever was outside wouldn't be able to see the inside. 

Sarah figured she should probably just try to slide herself out of the belt. She pushed the belt that went horizontally past her abdomen down, holding the slanting one away from her head. She turned it to the right, it went past her arm to her back. With a little bit of stress she gets herself out of the clutches of the "prison rope". 

She was free, now it was left to her to try and find her way out of the cage itself. 

"How has the world changed so much? I don't see any horses or ships. Where did they all vanish to? All I see is hundreds of this annoying box," Sarah nagged, kicking the door hard with her foot. 

Sarah's pale skin was all sweaty now. She rubbed and scratched her hair violently like they had flees on them. She was famished and needed food. She looked down into the street ahead, then back at the road behind, then sideways into the bush Adam had just gone into. 

She was so sure he had gotten to get more hands to cage her up. She knew she currently didn't have the strength to fight back if she got in trouble, so it was best for her to run away than expect to fight...and win.

Sarah hated the life she was living at that moment.

She missed the life of command and power she has been used to before her family decided to oust her. It was a painful reality she had to deal with now that she didn't know where she was or couldn't go out to look for her people. What if they captured her again and made sure she was never able to escape it this time. 

Sarah looked carefully around the car, to see if there was just a way out for her. She intuitively pulled at the door hinge. Seeing the door slide open was like a miracle to Sarah. With her two feet touching the warm tarred road, she took to her heels and didn't look back once. 

Adam returned his car hesitated to drive. He took out a tissue to wipe Kira's cum off his pants. The memories of the vampire he met the night before couldn't leave him be. He couldn't wrap his head around the reality that his mate, who had been thought to be dead was ALIVE. To make things worse, she was a vampire. Worst of it all was that was not even interested in her at all. 

"Argh!" Adam punched the steering wheel. The horn blared in the empty street.

He wasn't sure whether to inform his mother about what he had just found out. "Hey mom, found my mate today. And guess what? She's a vampire." It just didn't make any sense to Adam. One thing was certain to him, she would cause problems for him if not now, later. That was was hundred percent sure of.

"Isn't it better for Mom to find out that my mate is a vampire anyway? I don't think she'd approve of her, would she?

Adam thought it was best to let his mother know about the current situation. That will make her stop bothering him. 

"Right I'd just tell her about this whole shit."

The car engine revved softly. He pulled the gear and stepped on the accelerator. But before the car could move anywhere, a heavy object crashed atop his windshield.

Nothing made Adam extra upset than seeing a big crack in the windshield of his favorite "baby".

He rushed out of the driver's seat, ready to deal mercilessly with the perpetrator. But standing in front of him was Kira.

"Hey! What the fuck did you just do, huh? How much more money did you need that you had to bash my screen. Huh?" Adam fumed.

It was then he noticed that someone else was standing beside Kira, it was the cause of his new headache, Sarah.

Kira ran to Adam's car and hid behind him, her dampened hair sticking to her sweaty face. A few butterflies circled her insides on being right behind Adam. On the other hand, Adam was frustrated he came across Sarah again. He felt a tugging at his chest inside of him.

His lycan was calling out to Sarah. Adam felt a surge of heat and cold run through his body at the same time. His mate was standing in front of him, definitely not the fate he wanted. One would like to admit that Adam, despite being from a powerful and rich family, definitely didn't have everything on a platter of gold. 

Well he got hot looks, one women would want to die for. He's powerful and tough and a little bit soft when it's needed. None-the-less, situations like this where Adam wished he was never a wolf were not that far from him.


"Dammit," he cursed. 

His heart raced, and this was something he hated. Why did it have to be her? Like there are hundreds of thousands of women out in the world! Why did it have to be a maniac from... probably space.

"Why are you out here again?" He questioned her stoutly, looking straight in her black eyes. 

Sarah wondered why Adam had come to interfere in her matter...again. This was one thing Sarah hated so much. If she were to be in her home, rewinding hundreds of centuries to the past, she would have dealt with such people by draining the fucking life out of them.

Once again, she craved such meals. Sarah could almost smell fresh human blood in her nostrils. Now, all she could do was eat tiny hares, with so much difficulty. 

The early morning breeze graced her long bronze hair, making a few strands sway from left to right across her face. Adam was the last person she wanted to set her eyes on that morning, and the fact that he has been appearing around her lately irked her.

"I should address that question to you as well, don't you think? Why are you in my presence?" Her nostrils expanded and relaxed, following the ticking best of her angry vampire heart. 

If only I could suck his veins dry. She thought to herself. She pictured herself with those sharp competent fangs, grabbing unto Adam's shirt, sniffing him out, relishing the meal she's about to have. Slowly diving through his skin, electric currents clinging to her teeth while her lips and tongue work in chorus to draw food from his damn veins.

Sarah licked her lips, playing put the whole scenario in her head with Adam standing about a yard in front of her, and Kira next to her shivering.

His husky voice sent her out of the journey she was having on her head.

"You belong to the jungle, don't you? So you need not act like you own the streets too." He told her. Adam shut the door to his car and went arms akimbo. His black tank top peeked out of his buttoned-half-way-up brown shirt. The tattoo on his chest didn't hide itself too.

She did not respond, but her gaze never left his. She was so angry, but tried holding herself back from doing anything that'd make Kira know she's a vampire. She had already tried her vampire antics on a human (Adam), which only ended up in futility. Sarah didn't want to waste her time doing that again.

She moved an inch closer down from the hilly road, but before Sarah was able to move any further, the other lady spoke.

"She tried to kill me, Adam," Kira broke the awkward silence, as she was not comfortable with Adam and Sarah looking at each other and saying nothing.

Sarah widened her eyes and turned to Kira.

"Holy Vikings! I wasn't trying to kill you, girl." She waved her hands in front of her face.

"Then why was she running from you?" Adam snapped. It was then he noticed Sarah was wearing a nightdress. It was worn inside out. 

"Don't I have the right to cloth myself?" She asked rhetorically.

Adam smirked, walking a little closer to them. The gentle morning wind ran a little through his hair, making them sit back. This showed more of his forehead. He had such a great facial shape. 

"You don't. You shouldn't take other people's things forcefully. That's selfishness." 

"I don't care." Sarah told him.

"Release the girl," she added, walking aimfully towards them. 

Kira backed away, while Adam stood still. He was prepared to attack her now. He couldn't run from her, he wasn't going to look lame in front of his subject.

"Run! Take the path to the oak tree. It's the shortest route," he told Kira. She hesitated at first, but she fled on second thought.

Sarah was furious now. She lunged at Adam and tried to dig her long sharp nails in his neck. Adam was very much tempted to release his lycan. His eyes were slowly turning to flame blue.

"Why did you make her flee? I needed her footwear, you bonehead." 

Adam snapped out of his transforming self and pushed Sarah away. He dusted his shirt and looked at her, wondering at how dangerous and needy she was at the same time. She was proud, he could tell, because who acts like that when they should be begging for help...or at least "pretend" to be nice.

"If you need shoes, then beg for it, not exerting power on things that are not yours. Did you not learn manners where you came from?"

"Watch it!" She shunned him.

Adam could see sense she's going to hurt others as well. What if someone else is attacked and doesn't have anywhere to tun to? He went to meet Sarah, grabbing her firmly by the wrist. Surprisingly, she didn't hesitate. Adam made her sit in the passenger's seat and tried to use the seatbelt on her. 

Sarah stopped him from pulling the belt thinking he's trying to tie her up. Adam brushed off her hand, telling her to stay still. 

"It's safety precaution. Don't you even know that too?"

She shook her head.

"You barely know anything, huh, and you go around causing trouble." Adam remarked, shutting the door to her side. He left the car and dashed into a busy nearby. Sarah's eyes followed him from inside the car. One part of her wanted her to stay patient and calm in the car, but her vampire instincts urged her to avoid being caged in a human's car. 

She tried unbuckling the belt, but didn't know how they worked. She kept tugging at it, trying to use her teeth to cut the belt off of her slim self. This didn't look like a fucking a fucking safety precaution to her. Was he trying to take her somewhere to be caged? Again? Never.

"Safety pre-pre...pre function my foot! Argh!" 

Sarah kept struggling to free herself. The car bounced along with the heavy movements she was making in the car. 

An approaching travel bus blared it horns in her ears. Sarah drummed her hands vehemently on the dashboard in a bid to grab the attention of the passengers. Only if she knew the car's glasses were tinted and she could only see outside, but whoever was outside wouldn't be able to see the inside. 

Sarah figured she should probably just try to slide herself out of the belt. She pushed the belt that went horizontally past her abdomen down, holding the slanting one away from her head. She turned it to the right, it went past her arm to her back. With a little bit of stress she gets herself out of the clutches of the "prison rope". 

She was free, now it was left to her to try and find her way out of the cage itself. 

"How has the world changed so much? I don't see any horses or ships. Where did they all vanish to? All I see is hundreds of this annoying box," Sarah nagged, kicking the door hard with her foot. 

Sarah's pale skin was all sweaty now. She rubbed and scratched her hair violently like they had flees on them. She was famished and needed food. She looked down into the street ahead, then back at the road behind, then sideways into the bush Adam had just gone into. 

She was so sure he had gotten to get more hands to cage her up. She knew she currently didn't have the strength to fight back if she got in trouble, so it was best for her to run away than expect to fight...and win.

Sarah hated the life she was living at that moment.

She missed the life of command and power she has been used to before her family decided to oust her. It was a painful reality she had to deal with now that she didn't know where she was or couldn't go out to look for her people. What if they captured her again and made sure she was never able to escape it this time. 

Sarah looked carefully around the car, to see if there was just a way out for her. She intuitively pulled at the door hinge. Seeing the door slide open was like a miracle to Sarah. With her two feet touching the warm tarred road, she took to her heels and didn't look back once.