Now that he thought of it,

Adam was hundred percent sure that Sarah was still wearing his watch. All of Adam's expensive watches were limited edition, and they all came with trackers on his demand. The locations of the watches could be assessed on his phone in case he lost it. He wasted no time in finding out the Sarah's location. It was a hospital.

The alpha wasn't sure if she was hurt and taken to the hospital, or she was there for an alterior motive. He picked his car key again and headed to the city hospital.

Before half an hour elapsed, Adam had found his way to the crowded hospital, making his way quickly through the midst of people going out and coming in. He slapped his broad palm on the receptionist table to get the attention of the workers who were busy with entries. 

"Hello sir, how may we be of help?" The red haired woman responded, smiling politely at the handsome man that stood in front of her.