Xana hoped that she didn't arrive at the house very late since she was the one that had told the girls to assemble.

She had promised them a night of recklessness and abandon on the phone when she had called Mercy to get the other girls to her place. Mercy had tried to find out from Xana why she suddenly wanted to have a night of debauchery but Xana had refused to tell her anything on the phone. She had promised that she would tell her when they were together at the house.

To prove to the girls that she meant every word she had said when she had said that they would be having a nice night, Xana had sent some amount of money to Mercy to get some drinks, anything chocolate they could munch on, and some beauty masks they could use to treat their faces. She had even gone on and promised each of the girls some cash transfer to their accounts when everyone was leaving in the morning. They might not understand why she was happy but Xana knew why herself.