he had given them that large glance before passing the duo to the grand floor, as he looked around he could actually see the troubles they were going through in getting the hall ready for a wedding that would definitely not hold, as he walked past the chief maid, he smelled chicken and beef all over her body and she was giving him the congratulatory smile he hated. 

She must have been in the kitchen since last night, he thought while moving to the door as he reached for the large door, the guards made way for him to pass and before he stepped out into the bright air, he heard what looked like Xana's screams filling his ear as he walked into his truck, switched on the ignition and drove into the road, the main reason he wasn't passing along the woods was because he didn't know where he was headed. All he knew was that he wanted to search for Sarah and that was all that mattered to him now, not the wedding, not his mother and sister, not the road and definitely not Xana.