"There will be no need for that as I am going to prove my point" He replied and asked them to stay still while finding something beneficial for his claim.

Adam knew the only way to set her free and prove his claims was to get Sarah to the mansion since she was unconscious at the moment, as he walked out of the mansion, he thought about the decision he was about to take that involved bringing her to the mansion. He didn't think twice as he jumped into his car, he knew his car would be faster and he was going to take a shorter route.

  As he approached the house, he glanced round again before hopping out and bringing Sarah out with him who was still weak, he tied her up for any future attacks and put her in his car, he drove back to the mansion speedily, the moment he entered the meeting room with Sarah on his shoulders, everyone in the room jumped to their feet.

"Why did you bring her here?" 

"To prove a point"