He was like the sterner version of Felix. His good looks remained nonetheless. He also bowed curtly to his father and foldes his his hands behind him.

Felix smiled sheepishly at his brother, but William returned it with a cold stare. 

"I see you're also here," The King announced again, with a tiny of disappointment in his voice and eyes. 

"Yes father."

The king smiled,

"You also have also returned home because some things came up. Am I right?"

William nodded, "Yes, father."

"You are also here in just six months like your brother. What do.youbhave to at for yourself?"

"I would like to reveal my reason for returning home afte I have successfully taken care of the problem."

"So both seem to have a lot on your olates tight now, so I'll let you be. Just remember that you both have to complete the mission by all means possible or else I might have to take a whole shocking decision by the end of it all."