Bernard stood at the entrance of the hall and looked around before pushing himself gently into the hall. There was a feast going on, a ceremonial gathering held every year for both vampires and vampire wizards like him. He watched and observed others around, some were holding a glass of red liquid that's blood of course and those are the vampires, one could tell by their fangs and red eyeballs. The hall was filled with people talking, cool music in the background and dim lights. 

It happens all the time, the annual feast. A time of the year where all gather for fun, get together and information if there are any. He smiled when he saw Scott coming over to him, he picked up a glass of wine from one of the waiters before moving as well to meet with the older man. The man grinned causing his fangs to appear, those white long fangs.

"Bernard" the man smiled when he got close to Bernard