Chapter 9- The Start

As the drums started rumbling at a fast speed and the excitement of the audience, they finally announced the winner.

"Angry Birds!"

The moment the winner was announced, the loud clapping and cheers of the audience resounded in the stage, Tanaka's avatar also appeared on the big screen, his character showing a shocked expression.

Frankly, Tanaka was expecting a second place because his game is practically not that big compared to others, it might be popular from his past life but he was not sure about this world since taste about games differ but due to unexpected odds, he won the contest.

It took a while for the cheers to end and Tanaka also felt himself being the winner.

"Now before we talk to the winner of the contest, let us first invite the 1st runner up and 2nd runner up, please"

The two game developers stood in front.

"The 2nd runner up, Fire Bullet, judges what is your evaluation to the game?"

2nd runner up- Fire Bullet Explode

Kayaba- This is a new way to transfer Fps games to the mobile platform, though, there are still some missing things, it was still quite good.

Satou- Like Sir Kayaba said, this is a big step of fps games in the mobile but its still lacking somethings, it can be improved and may even dominated the mobile platform someday, I hope you continue improving.

Gintoki- I won't say anything about the gameplay, but the graphics is bad as it can be, I hope that one day this improves or else mobile fps will become a nightmare.

Zu Fien accepted their words and promised to improve.

1st runner up- Lost Knight

Satou- I like the graphics, its quite mid quality, the plot is also shallow and gameplay is mid, but I think it has potential.

Kayaba- If this game is developed in the right way, it has potential.

Gintoki- I don't have anything to say other than I want to see how this game looks like when complete.

Tadashi felt happy with their praises and nodded before leaving the stage.

Once the stage was cleared, Tanaka's avatar appeared in the big screen once again.

"Mr. Tanaka congratulations for taking the Winners place!"

Shinpachi was the first one to greet.

"Thank you very much, I actually didn't expect to take the first place"

"No one expected that too, how about we ask the judges of how you became the winner"

Gintoki- At first I thought this game was very silly, especially the plot like how can birds and pigs go against each other? And how will they fight? I was full of doubts, but when I played the game, It felt refreshing, I also looked for things to criticize about the game but I am shocked that it felt complete, I don't know how to explain how it felt complete but I think the other judges also felt the same so I will let them analyze the game.

Kayaba- Thank you Sir Gintoki, yes, the game felt very complete, from the art style to the music to the gameplay, every little bits of these things complimented with each other creating a harmony for the game, nothing felt out of place, if you are playing this game, you won't even notice time passing by.

Satou- I also have the same claims as Sir Kayaba and Sir Gintoki, As a game developer this game may not be revolutionary but as a player, I love this game very much, congratulations Mr. Tanaka.

After being praised by these famous people, Tanaka felt happy, Shinpachi then gave Tanaka the chance to give a speech just like everybody else

"Thank you very much, thank you, I can't express how happy I am right now, This game is actually rushed and made in a span of 3 weeks, and with no prior planning, I just wanted to rush and join the contest, I have never thought that it will actually win the contest, once again I want to thank the judges, the fans, the players who played angry birds, my friends who have helped and supported me in making the game, and my family who always supported me whatever I do, I appreciate it so much"

"Good, once again Congratulations, and that ends the Video Game Contest for Newcomers! See you again next year everyone!"

After Shinpachi finished speaking the cheers of the audience resounded once again.

Tanaka didn't leave immediately as he still needed to talk with the organizers of receiving his rewards, it didn't take a long time before the call ended.

Tanaka sighed and moved away from his computer, he was wearing a black suit with some wires attached to it, yes, Tanaka was using motion capture for his avatar earlier, he sat back on his chair and looked at the screen once again showing that angry birds was the winner of the Video Game Contest for Newcomers.

Just as Tanaka was about to relax, his phone suddenly started ringing non-stop, looking at it, it was a call from Ishigami.

"What's up?"

"Tanaka I saw that! You won! Congratulations! Let's meet up with the others tomorrow to celebrate!"

"Okay, okay, calm down big boy, let's meet up tomorrow, and why do you seem happier than me the winner?"

"How can I not be? I also helped you create levels!"

"Alright, go call everyone, I will rest for a bit, I was really tense in the finals of the contest, I need to relax a bit"

"Okay, okay, where do we meet up?"

"Let's talk about that later"

"Okay see ya later"

The call ended.

After Ishigami's call, many calls also came and congratulated Tanaka, all of them were his schoolmates, those who knew or were part of the making of the game.

After talking with all of them for a while, Tanaka finally had the time to rest.

He laid on the bed for a while, before walking out of his room, this good news must be shared to his whole family.

As Tanaka reached the stairs, he noticed that the lights were already off and that everyone seemed to be asleep anymore, he was confused and looked at his phone.

It was still early, and not time for them to sleep yet, so how come?

Tanaka entered the living room and saw the TV was still open but it seemed to be muted.

"Huh did they forget to turn it off?"

Tanaka wondered before opening the lights of the living room.



A loud cheer came as Tanaka opened the lights which made him almost have a heart attack but seeing it was his mother who cheered Tanaka calmed down, he also saw his brother and sister holding a banner and his father wearing a party hat.

"W-what is this?"

Tanaka asked in a surprised voice.

"Of course, we are throwing a party for you winning the contest!"

Since the other three don't really speak, only his mom was the one who answered his question.

"Eh? How come you know about it? I didn't tell you guys about it"

"Do you really think you can hide anything from your mother? I still know you keep those magazines on the small compartment under your bed"

"What the–"


"Okay, okay, seems like everything has already been prepared, you even cooked up a feast"

Tanaka immediately turned the topic and saw the table full of different kinds of dishes, Tanaka even saw his favorite fried chicken.

"Okay, let's go eat, tomorrow I will throw another feast so call your friends over"


Tanaka can only change his plans after he heard his mom, she is a very social creature unlike her family, so Tanaka took out his phone and messaged Ishigami about the changed of plans in which he was okay with.

And so with that done, they started eating, they hadn't eaten dinner yet so everyone was very hungry. While eating, Tanaka was talking with his father who was interested in the game he made in which Tanaka happily introduced.

Even though his father looked always stern and serious, this guy loved to bond with his kids and was also easy going, a little while later, Shouko also joined in but instead of being interested in the game, she liked the cute characters more.

This made Tanaka think of plushies, Angry Birds plushies also became popular in his past life, though, only for a short while, but it was still popular, he must talk this with Ishigami later, since his father owns a toy factory.

Anyway, the party ended with everyone rewatching the record of the contest, and while they were doing so, Tanaka got curious of what other people opinion on his virtual character, do they accept it like it was in his past life?

And so when he checked online to see any things about his character, he saw some gaming media articles giving their own reviews about his game and also about him winning the contest.

"I've become really popular now"

Tanaka was happy that he was getting some fame and attention from the people, then suddenly he froze, he had totally forgotten about his system!

Tanaka hurriedly opened his system, and saw his reputation points.

[Reputation Points: 700,769]

'Seven hundred thousand! Seven spins!'

Tanaka felt more happy than winning the contest, this meant that 700 thousand people have appreciated his work, and it was still rising and it was only here in Japan, what if it also goes overseas like the original one.

Angry Bird is a popular game that is accepted world wide, even though at that tim, technology was still in the phase of booming, so the success of flappy bird can be said quite good with that time, but now that technology here is moving faster than a rocket, Tanaka can't predict how much his game will gather him fame.

Just thinking about this made him ecstatic, this gave him a boost of motivation to make another game.

Anyway, while he was thinking things, Tanaka still kept scrolling on his phone when he finally found what he was looking for. It was on a site that was the same as Reddit from his past life, this one is called Tidder.

Tanaka found a thread about him and he immediately opened it.

[Thread Title: Isn't the Game Developer who won the contest, His character looked very handsome!]

[Just earlier, this years Video Game Contest for Newcomers has just ended, I congratulate the game developers that joined the contest, but there is one person that caught the attention the most, he didn't appear on the stage but to me , he brought the biggest impact]

[The winner of the Contest, Game Developer Tanaka didn't want to share his private life and so he didn't go to the stage but to not disappoint the fans, this Brilliant Game Developer made a new move that even I, a happily married woman, fell in love with him(PS: I'm not cheating on my husband, this and that are different), he is using what seemed to be a virtual animated character, his avatar didn't look cartoonish or anime-ish, but borderline of 3D and Realism]

[What is more is that I loved his voice, it sent shivers to my body and even though he spoke little throughout the contest; I found his personality attractive, if I put it into words, hmm I'm not sure about this yet but I love it]

[I hope to see him more in the future and I also found that he doesn't have any social media's yet, so if you find this thread Tanaka sensei!, please create a social media so we your fans can follow any of your game updates, I'm a big fan of Angry birds and my kids always plays it, I also hope for you to appear more in the future! That is all!]

Tanaka finished reading the thread and saw that there are many comments below and almost all of them have the same opinion about his character. Tanaka had underestimated the impact of Vtubers in this world.