Chapter 14- Creating Club

With them accepting the deal, not only Tanaka received helpers, he also got some beta testers, though, their opinion isn't actually quite needed as Tanaka already knew the finished product of the game.

Arriving at the art club, the usual members of the club were there and there seems to be new members too.


Tanaka greeted them casually.

"Oh, Tanaka, welcome, Do you need something?"

Naoto, who was seemingly occupied by a girl with tanned skin, turned his head towards Tanaka and looked at him as if he had found his savior.

Tanaka: "Yeah, I want to commission you guys once again but this time, there will be animation, full color and there are about 100 characters"

Tanaka wasn't quite sure about the number of characters he drew since these ones include the characters, buildings, defenses and even the props, so there will be a lot, they also have to color the front and the back and since Clash of clans doesn't use first person nor third person but instead uses the Isometric view, They needed to color everything of the character.

(Isometric video game graphics are graphics employed in video games and pixel art that use a parallel projection, but which angle the viewpoint to reveal facets of the environment that would otherwise not be visible from a top-down perspective or side view, thereby producing a three-dimensional effect.)

Tanaka and Naoto talked a lot about their plans and how it can be colored, ever since Tanaka have commissioned the Art Club, they also have started practicing digital arts and even animation since Tanaka said he will commission them once again, though they could only practice in the computer lab, all the art club members understood the things Tanaka was saying.

Though there are still some confusing parts, Tanaka patiently explained it to them, and when they were done, Tanaka talked with Shirogane, as the president of the student council, he was the one who holds the budget of the clubs and others.

Tanaka: "We will need computers to start working, hey, why don't you let them borrow some computers, its not like it won't be fruitful, I'm going to commission them anyway, this club might even become a workshop in the future"

Shirogane: "I can't really decide on a whim, even if I have control, I still need to talk with the teachers, and also get permission from the principal, its their property after all"

Tanaka: "I see, getting permission from the teachers will be difficult and it might even take a month before we get answers"

Hearing this Tanaka didn't know what to do, even if they could go to the computer lab, they are missing a lot of equipment such as drawing pad and since there was animation, the work will take a lot of time so they can't stay at the lab for very long.

Shinomiya: "I can just provide the computers"

Shinomiya who saw Shirogane who wanted to help Tanaka but was hopeless, and this was the first time she had seen his sad face and she felt her heart was in pain as she saw his expression, Tanaka is also a very close friend, one of the real friends that she had so she immediately said those words.

Tanaka: "We are thankful for that Shinomiya-san but you have already helped us enough, we will take care of this our own"

Shinomiya: "No, its okay, you are a friend of the president and I also liked playing your games so I am volunteering to help"

Tanaka: "..."

Tanaka was really tempted to accept the offer but he didn't really want to accept it, just as they were thinking about it.

Chika: "Why don't we just make a single big club?"

Ishigami: "What do you mean?"

Chika: "I mean like we all here loves games and wants to help Tanaka, and the art club members will also disband soon since their members deadline is approaching soon and they still haven't found any members, so we might as well create a big Game Club, we can also invite the music club and mangaka club, I will also make my tabletop game club join, in that way, we won't take a lot of the club budget and when we graduate we can also turn the club into a huge workshop"

Ishigami: "Where did that plan come up? But it doesn't seem to be a bad plan"

Shirogane: "Ah ,yes, I remember that the art club will close soon because they don't have enough members, it's the same for Mangaka Club, as for the music club, I'm not sure if they will join"

Tanaka: "Running a huge club isn't easy, we are creating a game here you know, and members who works must be paid, the budget given by the school won't be enough"

Shinomiya: "I can invest"

Tanaka looked at Shinomiya and couldn't help scratch the back of his head. This girl is pressuring him with money.

Tanaka: "How about I just take a loan from you, I will pay you once I have received the deal from the contract from the Ishigami Toy Factory"

Shinomiya: "Okay, but I still insist that I will provide equipment"

Tanaka just sighed and accepted it, he was also loaned half a million dollars with no interest, and if he didn't pay in a year, the loan will disappear and doesn't have to be paid, somehow, Tanaka was so confused about the contract that his mind became blank and before he knew it the contract has been signed.

'... Is my knowledge about loans wrong?'

Hachiman: "You just have done an absurd contract"

Tanaka agreed with Hachiman then looked at the contract, and the loan he got is not in yen, but dollars, which is about 65 million yen.

"... I just hope I can pay it before it disappears"

Tanaka thought, of course, he will try to pay, he wasn't an ungrateful bastard, but then when he looked at the smiling Shinomiya, it was as if she didn't lose anything at all.

Anyway after the negotiations were done, what they have to do next is create a new club and all of the members of the gang will join including the art club and they will still ask the Music club, as for the mangaka club, Tanaka didn't really need to invite them yet. And also find an advisor for the club.

But since it was already late, they could only create the club tomorrow, before the group went home, Tanaka treated everyone to dinner, and went home. After that, Tanaka got home and jumped into his bed. He told his mom that he had already eaten outside and will go to sleep immediately.

And so he fell asleep.

The next day, the gang went and created a new club, a total of 10 members, as for their club advisor, Tanaka was able to find a teacher, Ryushi Korogane-sensei, a teacher of Class 1-E, his hobby is playing games and so when he heard Tanaka is going to create a Game Club, he joined immediately.

After those were done, Shirogane then chose the second biggest club room after the student council room as their club room, this was the perks of having a high position as your friend and also a club member.

After that was chosen, it seems like Shinomiya had already renovated the whole room and brought the computers and equipments in, the room looked like it came out of sci-fi, the room was full of State-of-the-art technology, everything was new and there was also big sofas, refrigerator, air conditioner, a small recording studio, and many more.

Shinomiya: "If there are still some missing, feel free to tell me"

Shinomiya said with a smile, she was happy that everyone got together and even became clubmates, though, on her back, she was trembling, she was nervous since everyone was staring at her, she knew she got overboard but she really wanted to help and she knew everyone might alienate her for what she had done now, she might be alone once again.

Then a shout surprised everyone.

Tanaka: "Alright everyone! Shinomiya provided us with all of this amazing equipment! We must make a very amazing game in the future so that we can repay her alright! So, I, Ryuuji Tanaka promised to you that I will make an amazing game in the future for what you have given us today!, especially to me who started this all for my dream!"

Hachiman: "Yes!"

Shirogane: "As Tanaka's friend, I am very thankful for everything Shinomiya, I may not know anything about games but I will do my best to help the club"

Ishigami: "Count me in!"

The 4 friends were the first to speak, as close friends they treated each other like brothers so they were very thankful with everything Shinomiya provided for the club.

Naoto: "This problem started because of the art club not having any equipment so I am also very thankful to Shinomiya-san, I will do my best to help the club!"


Chika: "Shinomiya-san!"

Chika ran to Shinomiya and hugged her, just because of her idea to make a big club, Shinomiya provided everything for them so she was very emotional and thankful.

After everyone said their sincere thanks to Shinomiya, she calmed down, yes, what was she scared for? These people are different, they were the friends of someone she loves, Shinomiya smiled.

"Yes, please take care of me from now on"


3 weeks has passed since The Undertale Game Club has been created, yes, that was the name of the club they have created, with Tanaka being the President and the Vice President being Ishigami, the Secretary was Masuzu, the club was running perfectly and everyone was in harmony.

Until the fire nation att*Ahem, wrong script.

Anyway, the club was running normally and no one was dissatisfied because they receive salary for working in the club, about 1,000 Yen per hour($8) and since everyone can only work 3 hours everyday in school, they receive 3,000 a day which is not that much but was still helpful for the students, especially Shirogane who came from a poor family.

Anyway, with the extra man power that Tanaka had, the creation of the game became faster, they were now in the game testing.

Chika: "Ah! Ishigami! How dare you attack me!"

Ishigami: "Haha! That is your fault for not looking at your village!"

Ishigami laughed evilly as he attacked the village of Chika, he was already on Townhall 5 while Chika was still Townhall 4, and since Chika was collecting resources to upgrade her town hall, Ishigami attacked when she was doing something.

Chika: "No! My resources!"

Ishigami continued to laugh as his troops destroyed her village, and in the end, he got 3 stars from destroying her village and also stole a lot of resources. Yes, Tanaka had already finished the online system function.

The other members of the Club are also playing the game, though it wasn't officially out yet and Tanaka was fixing some of the bugs, it was already quite playable, though he didn't go all the way to Town hall 14 and only town hall 10, Tanaka did that so that he could do some updates in the future and extend the life of Clash of Clans.

So even if years have passed, many will still play this game, and even come back every time there is an update.

"Hmm, everything seems fine now"

Tanaka said as he finished testing a lot of things and there seems to be no problem, the characters are moving the same as they are supposed to be and the defenses are working perfectly.

"Now, I just have to buy a server for the game, I can't really do cloud server because it is slow"

Tanaka started thinking of the final things before the game can be released, first of all is what he said earlier, the server, next is customer service, and lastly is the in-game purchase system for the gems.

"I can just hire a company for the customer service, as for the server, I should just buy one"

Tanaka still has a lot of money from the loan that he received from Kaguya so buying was no problem, after making up his mind for the last time, Tanaka decided to do so.

(Sorry for the drama, I just felt like their friendship came too easy and Shinomiya is too big of a deal here XD)