Chapter 26- Intense War

Hey guys, sorry for disappearing for a while, It was just a bad week for me, I just recovered from a fever then school also started and I had to attend a friend's wedding so I was really burnt out and there is also a super typhoon coming to my country, I won't release bonus chapters for now and stack up some chapters in case I will be busy again, regular updates will return next week, this is a promise, I bet my title as a lazy guy<3 thanks for understanding.

Don't forget to throw stones! I stayed up late for this :) xD


Clash of Clans is like a game of chess, though not literally but in the in-game sense, the two are no different, it's just like how chess was known to be referenced after the war(I actually don't know), it has an almost infinite number of strategies that could be used, like a general manning his soldiers to war.

Tanaka is no strategist like Sun Tzu nor any famous ones, but if there is something that he could say that he has advantage with, it would be knowledge from his past life, Clash of Clans has been running for years and it was still popular even when its prime has passed and there are countless of strategies being made, either by normal players or professional players.

But of course, Tanaka isn't going to use the very complicated ones, this will defeat the reason for him doing a Livestream. Tanaka's purpose for live streaming is not just because he wanted to earn some reputation points but to also teach the players some simple effective strategies.

Because he noticed most of the players were going full Sun Tzu on their attacks without knowledge which causes them to lose a lot from their attacks, it was also the reason why Tanaka was explaining the attacks and defenses in the live stream.

Yes, all of this is nothing but an educational live stream for the players, but of course, Tanaka wanted to make it as flashy as possible to get the attention of the players more, and so, he decided to go with Balloons and Dragons attack, with healing and lightning spells.

Tanaka rushed his troops and townhall to level 9 and so he was the second highest level when it comes in the game, though his base could be destroyed by a th4 or 5 players, Tanaka didn't care about that because the return when goes on a raid is higher than what he loses.

His opponent [ ](2 spaces) is a th8 with maxed-out defenses and also has quite a complex base design, his air defense is hidden inside the walls, and there are also a lot of structures surrounding it which can be considered a distraction for the attacking troops.

Tanaka didn't attack immediately but instead let everyone have a rest of 10 minutes because ever since the war started, it was already intense and the war was too exciting that everyone became glued to their screens.

So after being assured of a 10-minute break, everyone relaxed and went to do what they needed to do. Tanaka also got hungry and thankfully, Shinomiya seemed to have known this will be a long war so she has already ordered some top-tier bento which everyone happily ate.

They have already gotten used to the VIP service of Shinomiya but they aren't very shameless to take it for granted, there was their own way for them to repay Shinomiya, though it wasn't much, it came from their heart.

While the 10-minute break was going on, Tanaka decided to introduce the Undertale members to the Livestream, since they all have their animated avatars, and also Tanaka had already asked them to create their virtual names, and everyone was able to introduce themselves.

The popular ones were Shinomiya and Masuzu, Shinomiya got her popularity due to Clash of Clans, her avatar name is the same as her name in Clash of Clans which is ShinoWiya, and her avatar is also very beautiful.

And most guys are simping for her cute voice, then there is Masuzu, she is popular among boys and girls, especially with her idol-like aura and she has master-level social skills which made everyone love her.

There is also an unexpected popular guy which is Hachiman, he was a very philosophical guy and his words were full of wisdom that many quite liked despite his bad attitude but it seemed like this awakened the masochism of some audience.

All in all, Vtubers are very well accepted in this world just like it was in Tanaka's past life, and he was greatly happy with that, Vtubers is a very big opportunity to gain money and fame, just imagine having Vtubers who have thousands of viewers plays his games, isn't that like a free advertisement?

Vtubers are already comparable to some artists in his past life and in this life, Tanaka plans to make them a superstar once he started, but that is for another time.

Soon, 10 minutes passed and the chat was once again lively, they were now excited to see Tanaka's attack.

Tanaka already finished eating and decided to attack, after making sure everything was complete, he started the war.

Tanaka then looked at his opponent's base and after looking at it for a few seconds, he immediately started placing his balloons in quick succession followed by the dragons behind them, then when the balloons started entering the enemy base, Tanaka placed the lightning spells on the farthest air defenses then let the balloons attack the other ones, once Tanaka saw that the balloons were already in deep, he placed down his clan troops down which has a maxed level dragon and minions, Tanaka also placed down his Barbarian King and Archer Queen to finish up faster.

With those placed, the troops decimated the blank base and in the span of 1 minute, Tanaka easily got a 3 star, making the score now a tie, Tanaka smiled and talked with the chat, though, his attack is not that perfect, it was quite good, if he placed dragons a little bit early, he could have ended the attack in 30 seconds but he was playing safe.

After that attack, it was now time for the climax of the match, no, it was time for the deciding battle, Number 1 vs Number 1, pay to win vs Geniuses, who will win?

Its true that Clash of Clans is a strategy game and that Geniuses will have a very big advantage in this game, but that is only limited, pay to win players has a lot more advantage in this game, a maxed level defense and maxed level troops is nothing to scoff at, even Geniuses will have a hard time fighting against them.

It's like playing a game of hard match chess only for your opponent to have extra moves because they paid a lot of money to do so, that is how unfair games are, free to play games are games that need a lot of money to win.

This time, Shinomiya was the one who initiated the war and attacked the number one of the Blanks, even though Shinomiya is a pay-to-win gamer, don't underestimate her because she is also very intelligent, if not, she wouldn't be at the top 10 of the whole Shuuchi In Academy.

So she wasn't only all money but also had brains, though she hasn't played Clash of Clans that much, Shinomiya still learned a lot when she was watching Tanaka raid, it was very interesting to watch Tanaka attack bases with different strategies.

As a Shinomiya, she also learned strategies, from business strategies to psychological strategies, in the business empire, this is very important, especially when she is the heiress of a very gigantic company that owns and is worth trillions.

Soon, Shinomiya started attacking and her strategy was more onto the ground unlike Tanaka, her troops consists of Golems, wizards, Valkyrie, archers, Wallbreakers, etc, her attack started with the archer queen taking down the structures that were far away and then luring the clan castle troops.

After they were lured, Shinomiya placed down wizards and archers in a spread-out manner to not them all get killed at the same time, once the clan castle troops were killed, Shinomiya placed down the golems and then went full-out attack.

Ground attack is a very quite a slow attack, with them destroying walls and also going around to destroy structures near them, unlike air attack where troops will just ignore the walls, though, it wasn't a full proof strategy as Air Attack can be easily countered if players make mistakes, but well, with maxed level troops, Shinomiya easily got 3 stars making them have a perfect star, now only the Blank is left to attack.

And the Blank can be said to be at disadvantage here, with only their strongest just reaching level 9 and their troops still stuck at th8, winning here will be very difficult, even the viewers also thought so.

But they only thought it would be difficult, not make them lose, this is what made the Blank a legend, winning a disadvantageous match using only their skills and brains to defeat their opponent, legends who were deemed to be invincible.

And as if anticipating everyone's expectations, the Blank finally decided to attack, and from what it seemed like it, they are going to air attack, Shinomiya's most menacing defense is the inferno tower and X-bow.

The inferno towers are in single target while the X-bows are ground and air, just looking at these maxed level demon defenses makes everyone shiver, but the Blank didn't seem to be scared of it, they started their attack by going all in.

Their strategy started by cleaning up from top to bottom, they have already noticed the weakness of the base which it having few defenses at the top, and were focusing on the bottom, Blank used Archer Queen to clean up the top and once it reaches the bottom defenses, Blank placed a golem down on the bottom side to catch the attention of the defenses letting the Archer Queen clean things more up.

Blank strategy when attacking was one of the best Tanaka had ever seen, they don't just go all in and attack what they felt like it, their troops have synergy with each other, while golems are tanking, the others are cleaning, but there is also a back draw of this attack.

It was very slow, Blank had to use 3 golems to take the attention of half of the defense structures while the attack troops cleaned up from the top but because golems take a lot of housing space, Blank only had so few attack troops and was relying on the Archer Queen.

Slowly, time starts to tick away, and soon only 20 seconds are left, and Blank already got 2 stars, only a few structures left, but it seems like the troops are going slow as they triggered a trap which caused the troops to further slow down.

This caused the nerves of the viewers to tense.

[What was a trap doing there?]

[Holy crap! Are the legends finally going to lose!?]

[That trap was placed like it was intended for that from the very beginning! What an amazing foresight!]

Many viewers couldn't help but be amazed by it, they all looked at Tanaka who had the usual smile on his face, as if he anticipated all of this.

Even Blank couldn't help but be surprised by this and there was no time left!.

"But I also anticipated this"

Sora said with a smile before pressing the screen in front of him and an archer was placed near, it was the only single archer Sora hasn't released since earlier, and with 5 seconds remaining, the archer destroyed the builder's hut gaining them a 3 star.


['s a tie!!!]

[Amazing! Amazing! I forgot all the words! Just amazing!]

[This is the most intense game I have ever seen, will there be pro matches? I hope they are also as intense as this!]

As soon as the last fight ended, Tanaka heard a lot of notifications coming from the live stream, it was raining gifts!