
Jade is in love with Lise. This idea has been running through my head several times since I got up, and I never noticed it, but when I didn't know Jade's worth, Lise knew. But Lise always keeps her distance from Jade, is it because she's a demon or is it something else?

I feel a bit stupid all of a sudden, well I shouldn't have to think about it, and then it's good for her isn't it.

Jade had woken up before me and made breakfast, then I joined her and sat down on the table before broaching the subject.

"You like Lisee don't you?" she spat out the water she had just drunk and for the first time I could see her blush to the tips of her ears.

"What makes you say that?" she said, trying to not sound embarrassed but it was too late for that.

"Your face says it all," I said with a teasing smile.

"I admit it's true, but shush." she said, placing a finger in front of her mouth.

The rest of the day is kind of normal, I just sometimes try to annoy Jade, but it's like she is avoiding me. It's like she knew something and didn't want to tell me.

" We have to go to the castle Lilith." she said that with a serious tone.

Maybe I should go talk to mom but before that I will go see Lise. She looked so sad and angry after the commander didn't return her feelings back. Maybe now she hates me, and she could be different with me.

" Yeah. Did the queen ask us to go ?" why did I call her queen instead of mom. Maybe I'm still mad at her because she slapped me.

" No she didn't asked but I thought you would want to see your sister and maybe what is going on there after our leave ."

She kind of think like me. But I'm sure that mom is angry now, and she will sure find something to keep me far from Jade and I don't want that.

" Let's go then ." I get near her during the way. She just smiles during all the target, I'm sure she probably loves Lise a lot.

" Why are you smiling like that ." I said with a teasing voice. I want her to tell me the truth.

" It's just that your kind of funny , with all the face you made." she is now laughing when she sees me being a little embarrassed. How did I not notice that I was doing weird face?

" I'm joking Lilith don't be embrassed. I'm smiling because I thinking of when Lise always comed to see me in the past we'd always play together ."

I laugh hard after what she said, it's really cute from her to said that. All the way to the castle I'm like I'm flying, but I get back to reality when we pass the gates of the castle.

" Don't worry everything will be fine Shortie ." she looks at me in the eyes and her voice make me feel more confident.

" Your right. Stop calling me Shortie !" I hit her on the head before we enter and weirdly there are a lot of guard today. I find that really weird, what happened here ?

" Princess, your finally here. Everyone is waiting for you in the royal room ." a guard said.

Everyone is waiting for me. What is he saying? After what happened yesterday no one should wait for me. I look at Jade, and she looked as lost as I was.

" Come with me Jade. I don't want to get there alone ." maybe it's a trap or maybe mom planed something it's like her to do that.

" Are you sure ?" she responds.

" Of course I am Jade , I want you to stay by my side even if they don't. I don't give a damn about what people think, even if it's my own family ."

I want her to get I want her to be able to be with Lise, well if it's her it'll be much better than the commander.

" Let's go then ." I grab her hand until we reach the royal room. I open the door to see all the minister and even other king. It must be something really important. They are all watching me like I was a saviour.

" Lilith your here , it was time ." said mom when she stood and come next to me and make seat in chair that they had let for me.

In the table they were a map with all the realm, and they were cross in three kingdoms. What did that mean ?

" Lilith we need your help for something please ." my mom was begging me, it was the first time she was doing that, and she didn't even apologize for what she had done yesterday.

" Why are you begging me mom. Stand up please and why should I help you after what you told me yesterday ." everyone looked at me in shock it was like I had insulted someone.

" Your the one that can stop everything that is happening princess Lilith ." said one of the king. He was old, and it's look liked he was tired of something.

" I don't understand what is happening , why are you asking my 'Fucking help' !" I start to get angry because I don't even know what they want me to help them with. The room was silent after I shout and then mom talked to me more silently than before.

" Demon's had start their attack in a few kingdom now and they are wining every where they go." Mom pause herself to breath and then continue.

" They said that if we give you to them..... They will stop their offensive and nobody will be hurt ."

In fact to save themself they wanted to sacrifice me. I will pay for everything. I should have seen this coming.

" No, I don't want to go back there and we can do an alliance between the other kingdom so we can win against the domon, don't you think ?" I watch them and look like they already take their decision.

" The princess of the demon want to get married with you Lilith and she tell us that they will be there in one month for you ." I tough mom would want me to stay to help them what is she saying anyway. I don't want that.

" Let's vote to see who agree and who disagree." said a woman, I think she was one of the knight she was tall and when we watch her we can see that she had fight in many wars

" Who vote for the princess to get married with the demon princess ."

Eleven hand went up, and I was even more shocked when I saw mom hand. Why me?

" Who want to fight raise your hand ."

There only four hand that are raised, deception for me, I'm done. There is only me Jade,Lise and the commander that had raised or hand.

" Now that we had done the vote the result is that you Lilith will have to marry princess Izzy in one month so be ready ."

How can they all did that to me just to save themself there are all hypocrites and in the end I didn't even had the chance to choose. Maybe my entire life was going to be like that.

" Don't worry Lilith all you have to do is to get us some information about them, that not complicated you know ." said mom, when I watch her it's like she was someone I had never known she was acting different from before.

" But , what if they find about that , I could be in danger. What if they kill me mom , what would you do ." I was panicked by that imagine what could happen to me.

" Oh... I don't know what I would do Lilith but our kingdom is more important than just your life." She said that with no empathy for me. She was my mom after all doesn't she have compassion for me .

I can't just stand here and hear what they are seeing, my life doesn't mean something for they . I get out of the royal room and go to the forest and get in the shadow of a tree, I need sometimes alone now to think of all that.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.