
The next morning I was woken up by Lilie licking my cheek. What a pleasure it is to come back here, I really want to stay all day in my bed.

I go back to bed hoping that no one will come and wake me up but to my dismay someone opens the door and pulls off my blanket.

"Get up young lady, you mustn't sleep so much, especially when you have important things to do," said my mother.

"Five more minutes, Mum, I'm really tired after all that's happened,"

No, I don't want to get up and do things, and I'm quite comfortable on my bed.

"No, I don't. Lilith, you'll have to wake up or you'll have to ask Jade to do it for me." As soon as I hear her name I get up as quickly as possible. Jade would be able to throw me out of my bed.

"No, Mum, it doesn't have to come to that. "I see the mischievous look on my mum's face, and she looks absolutely delighted with my reaction.

"I'm going to have a shower first and then I'll join you afterwards" Mum nods her head to say yes before leaving my room and at exactly the same time I lie back down in my bed.

After 30 minutes someone opens my door, who can disturb my sleep again. Maybe it's Mum again.

This person comes up to me and pushes me out of my bed without mercy.

"Ouch." I get up. "How dare you push me out of my bed."

I was angry and was about to hit this person who dared to disturb my sleep, but I realized that it was Jade. I stepped back to try to escape what she was going to do to me.

"We've been waiting for you to eat for 30 minutes, and you're here, getting your best sleep. " She grabs my head and she looks angry. She throws me in the bathroom and gives me a towel.

"Hurry up, you've got about 10 minutes to shower and brush your teeth, so don't waste any time." She's really mean to me and 10 minutes is absolutely not enough time for me and my sensitive skin.

"Jade, 10 minutes is not enough for me," I shouted to make my point.

"You've only got 8 minutes left now so instead of talking to me you'd better shower." This woman is a witch from the deep.

I hurried to shower as quickly as possible, but the water was much too cold for me and I also had to brush my teeth, I was really unlucky but maybe Jade had come out of my room. I laugh a little too hard in the shower thinking about it.

"You've only got three minutes left and if you're not out by then I'll come and get you myself, even if you're naked I don't give a damn. "

What three minutes, but I haven't even finished rinsing and don't tell me she's really going to go into the bathroom.

I finish rinsing and then brush my teeth in a hurry before leaving the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist.

"You see, when you want to, you can be really fast. " I'll get back at you for that one day Jade.

"Tell me, are you going to watch me get dressed?" It would be embarrassing if she stayed there, I don't want her to see me naked.

"I see you're embarrassed to be naked in front of me, but not in front of Izzy." I feel like every time she's angry with me, she has to bring Izzy up, it's not possible.

"I've never been naked in front of Izzy so come out of my room when I have to get dressed," I said in a calm tone so as not to show that I was angry.

"I don't think there's much to see anyway," she said, looking down at my breast.

"How dare you say that and then you didn't see anything so you don't have the right to say that," I said as I kicked her out of my room, I didn't think anyone could make me so angry.

I just put on one of my old dresses which is purple and long enough to cover my legs, and I take a little time to do my hair because I don't want the others to think I'm crazy.

Once I'm ready I go out of my room and Jade seems to be waiting for me outside my room.

" Well, you've made a beauty of yourself, you're going to seduce the trees." She's laughing at me too, so I'm going to beat her up, but I can't let my anger get the better of me. I'm just going to play along instead.

"Maybe it's you I want to seduce." I wink at her, and she looks at me with disgust in her eyes.

"Oh yuck how could you dare flirt with me like that, and you're not even my type of woman. You're far too arrogant for that."

"I take it then that you are a lesbian. What's your type?" I look at her a little seriously, hoping she'll answer me.

"I've already told you that I won't give you any information about my personal life and therefore my love life is not relevant either." With her character it's sure that no woman would want her.

"You just added the rule about your love life that's not fair you know me well and I don't, I don't even know how old you are." I know almost nothing about her except her name.

"I'm 26 and single," she says confidently.

"It's normal that you are, with your character you won't attract any woman." And here I am, too, able to hurt people with words.

"I'll never change for any woman in the world, and before you talk about me, look at you, you've never had a real relationship. "

She's not really wrong, my relationship with Izzy doesn't count as she was only using me.

"Yeah, but I'm sure I could make you fall in love with me."

After all, I'm a woman, and I've had men on my feet before, so it can't be that hard to make her fall in love with me. Jade laughed at my words.

"I can't wait to see it, I'll give you four months in which case if you haven't succeeded in that time you'll have to give me 600 gold coins.

600 gold coins is really a lot, I think that in my piggy bank I only have 70 gold coins, so I really don't want to lose.

"I accept your offer, but if I win, what do I get in return?" I want something too.

"You can do whatever you want with me." she offers herself to me like that but after all she must not have much money to ask me for 600 gold coins.

" Really anything I want." I say looking at her seriously.

"Yes, even to your sexual desires." Why is she talking directly to me about this, it's not like I'm going to ask her for it. I blush hard just thinking about that kind of thing.

"I wasn't thinking about that kind of thing Jade." I'm all embarrassed now because of her.

"Why are you blushing, would seeing me naked delight you so much?" she said with a naughty smile.

"Of course not, you pervert, and we have to join the others, I'll have you know." How can she think such dirty things?

"You're not wrong, but you're the one who wasted most of our time. Shortie . "

"I'm not small, it's just you who's execsively big." there's nothing worse than people calling you small. And it makes her laugh.

"What have you two been doing all this time, we need to talk about the fact that we're about to enter in war. " Mom said.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.