Chapter 2:the little girl


Yawning while opening my eyes I saw that I'm in my bed again. I see the same dark room and hear the same silence, all of a sudden my eyes opened wide remembering the dream that I had last night. I frantically moved to the light switch and turned the light on, When I saw my same old room I sighed in relief then I checked the clock to see what time it is and I saw that it is 3 am.

"Well that's strange why did I wake up this late?" I said to myself while looking around my room"sigh" I've been too paranoid today at work because I couldn't get That damn dream that I had last night out of my head! I remember everything crystal clear and what's worse is that I remember the pain as well! That's really fucked up! What's happening to me?!" I shout in my head in frustration and anxiety while I walk out of my room to drink some water. I look at my living room and turn the lights on, then I walk towards the refrigerator to grab a drink, When I open the refrigerator my eyes widened in shock and fear because I saw the head of a little girl. The skin of the head was pale as snow and her eyes weren't in her eyeballs. Her eyeballs were deep like a black hole but I had a strange notion the it's looking at me. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes to see if i was hallucinating and when I looked at the refrigerator again the head had disappeared just like it had appeared. I quickly closed the door to my refrigerator out of fear and ran back towards my room and turned of the lights of my living room but I didn't notice a small silhouette on the floor that was staying still.

When I came back to my room i jumped on my bed and closed my eyes thinking about the dream and that head in my refrigerator, I thought about what to do and lost myself in thinking. About 10 minutes later I finally fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of scratching, a couple of seconds later i lazily opened my eyes but my eyesight was blurry, I was laying on my back my face looking up to the ceiling and I saw a white blur clinging to the ceiling, i immediately opened my eyes and saw nothing just the same ceiling. I looked around the room and was met with the same darkness and silence.


Out of nowhere loud scratching noises attacked my ears, I clutched my head because of the pain that was hitting me and to my horror multiple pale hands that had cracks came out from underneath the bed, two of the hands went to my legs and another two went to my hands grabbing me strongly by my four limbs and four went to my stomach. I tried too get out but they were to fast and too strong for me to escape from.

When I looked up at the ceiling I saw a pale headless body clinging to the ceiling slowly crawling down towards me, my heart was pounding violently against my chest my eyes were shaking out of fear and to my doom my bedroom door started opening, I looked towards the noise and I saw a head rolling through the door entering my room, it was the same head that I saw in the refrigerator. Then it began rolling towards the wall and when it reached the wall it sticked to it and started climbing up the wall, it's direction was the headless body and when it reached the body as if on call the body moved towards the head, I watched in fear as the spine shot out from the body's neck and impaled itself in the head as both the body and the head merged together the body crawled back towards me and what's worse was that the head was looking at me with her deep black hole eyes that sent shivers down my spine but while the head was looking at me the body was in the opposite direction of the head and that made it an even more horrifying scene.

When there was 5 inches of space between the head and my face the body finally stopped, there was no sound in the room for seconds as the head's deep black hole eyes looked right into my soul and said" papa why did you kill me? Why did you do that to me? I was so scared and it hurt so much! why did you do it?! whY?! wHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" When she began speaking her voice was as innocent as an angels but when she said the last part her voice slowly turned demonic and when I registered her words my heart started banging as loudly as possible against my chest that I thought it would explode my chest.


"Huh?" My whole body shook uncontrollably and I passed out but when I opened my eyes I saw that I was in my basement then I felt something sticky on my hands I raised my hand so I could see them but when I saw them my heart nearly came out of my mouth. what I saw was skin and flesh that I knew that it was a human's and when I looked around my basement I saw bodies hanging like meat, there was a body that was hanging upside down it's stomach slit open and it's organs and intestines were out. On its face the eyes were gouged out and it's lips were cut of to the sides to make it seem like it was smiling creepily there were all kinds of bodies around there was one that was armless and legless with same face as the other one and there was one were it had it's dick up his anus and had its balls separately stuffed into his mouth. I puked several times just seeing the bodies.

I was looking around when I heard sobbing I immediately went towards the direction of the voice and when I saw the source of the voice I was surprised and scared shitless because what I saw was the same girl that had been in my room earlier and both of her hands and legs were cuffed up and her body was full of bruises and she had emerald green eyes. When she saw me she looked at me in horror and her body started shaking, when I tried to release her I noticed that I couldn't move which scared me but before I could do anything my body moved on it's own , while I watched in horror As I saw one of my hands grab an iron rod and dipped it into molten hot lava for 5 minutes then took it out. Afterwards my arm started moving again and grabbed the iron rod by the base so that I don't burn my hand and brought it near her mouth under her scared look ,she tried to move and shake her head but it was for nothing because her mouth was opened wide by some devices and then I pushed the iron rod into her mouth and down her throat. At first she tried to scream but she couldn't get out anything then blood came out of her eyes and nose as her eyes rolled up to the back of her skull as her tongue and teeth started to melt and the smell of burned skin was taking up the whole basement as she started writhing and shaking like she was in a frenzy.

Is this really me that's doing this but why don't I have any memory of the girl? why don't I feel any disgust while watching this?.

Then my body started writhing and I passed out again, when I opened my eyes again I was in my room on my bed again, drenched in sweat I looked around quickly and saw that it was morning because of the sunlight that was coming through the curtains into my room I sighed in relief and got up to shower to take my head of these things, I walked into my bathroom but I didn't notice the two emerald eyes that was watching me from under the bed.