After watching her condition and knowing about her birthday the entire hall remind quite even Alex haven't came out of shock for some moment, by feeling someone's touch on his shoulder he came back and turned behind where Daniel is standing and he requested him to come aside to discuss something.
Daniel: Sir, Eric got escaped.
(he said in a shivering tone)
Alex: What the f***k?.
Daniel: Boss, p.... please stay calm we don't know how he got escaped actually we made huge security and arranged CCTV too, but we don't know how come this happen..
Alex: Don't give me stupid reasons damn it, just go and find him or else I'm goona kill you each one.
(he shouted ferociously which made everyone to look after him and everyone got shocked by Clae's word in next moment.)
Clae: Already you killed my dad, till now your vengeance haven't satisfied, isn't it? so kill me and my mom that's what all you need am I right?
(she said low tone with anger in her words, by hearing her Alex sighed irritatingly and stepped towards her and started to speak by holding her shoulders)
Alex: Listen Clae, I didn't do anything wrong to Mr.Niklaus. I just scared him only by my words apart from that I did nothing, if you want believe if not leave it and do it whatever you want.
(by finishing his words he let her shoulders go off and turned to the other side and about to leave but stopped for a while and turned in confusion and stared her for few minutes then stepped closer to her.)
Alex: First of all try to control yourself and think serenely, I have been with you this whole day just for one hour I left the place that too for my meeting you can even check with Daniel, so trust me and don't ruin our memorable day and....
(his words were cut off by Clae's word)
Clae: Hehh, memorable day you ruined my life by marrying me without my consent and you rid off my dad's business and finally you take away his life to on my birthday, it would be better if we call it as dreadful day and I'll never ever forget and forgive you for this.
(her last word made him feel slight pain on his deep down but he didn't know why feels like so weird and even he didn't showed this up. Meantime as per Eric's plan that security made call to police and they entered the hall then everyone started to whisper among them . One among the cop comes closer to Alex and spoked humbly.
Cop: Sir, we recieved a accusation against you on a murder case that's why we came here for an investigation, please co-operate with us.
(once he finishes Alex stared Clae for two seconds and went with him to an private place.)
Cop: Could you please explain me in detail about Mr.Nik's death are you suspecting it is natural death or murder?
Alex: Sir, after my wedding I left my wife in the hall and went out for a meeting to meet one of my business partner and returned in an hour, while I'm entering the hall I've seen Mr. Nik's body in such condition that's it.
Cop: Where is your meeting, sir?
Alex: It's Star residence.
Cop: With whom you have went for meeting?
Alex: My secretary, Daniel .
Cop: Whom with your meeting was?
Alex: One of my partner named Gilbert.
Cop: Thanks for your cooperation sir, we need to investigate your wife and then we will come to an conclusion.
(by completing his interrogation with him Alex left the room and one among the cop went to Clae and Jennifer to inform them to come there, then they stepped there. Jennifer face seems to be palled so Clae held her hands stepped there on her way she passed a meaningful look to Alex and entered the room)
Cop: I'm so sorry about your loss man we can understand your situation, since we received allegation against your husband and your father is the victim, so please co-operate with us.
(by listening to his words Clae nodded her head )
Cop: As per our information your the first one see Mr. Nik's body isn't it Mrs. Niklaus?
Jennifer: Yes sir.
Cop: How was his body?
(by his question Jennifer got broken and started to cry hardly)
Cop: Mam, please please control yourself.
Clae: Sir please let my mom go and I'll co-operate for your interrogation.
Cop: Mam please try to understand she is our major eye witness.
Clae: Sir please why can't you see her condition, I'll co-operate for your investigation.
(the cop took a big breath and nodded to let go and then Clae took her outside the room and made her to sit on nearby desk and consoled for then left to the room)
Cop: We have received accusation against your husband and as per his statement he is not at all in that spot, so what's your opinion about this.
Clae: Sir first of stop calling him as my husband and he is the victim in my dad's case even I've solid evidence for it .
(he got shocked by her words because everyone in the city knows about Alex and his family by that none of them dares to stand against them but she is doing. He started to speak in scared tone.)
Cop:M....mam, w..what's it?
Clae: Here it is my dad's last letter and clearly mentioned that Alex is the reason behind his death.
( he got that letter with shivering hands and started to read. Once he completes he started her shockingly and started to speak)
Cop: M....mam it's a major evidence but it's really a huge decision to take a stand against Mr. Knight, so better t...
(before he could complete his words he was shocked by her words)
Clae: I'm filling allegation against him and I've a evidence too so better do your job.
Cop: M....mam.. p... please.
Clae: Sir, if you can't do anything let me know I'll do it by your higher authorities
(the cop sighed off and started to speak)
Cop: Alright mam, what do you want me to ?
Cop: Mam!
Clae: Are you deaf?
Cop: Now also there's time so better reconsider about it
Clae: Arrest him and I'll be the witness and that's final.
( by completing her words she stood up started to walk and stopped for a while and interchanged a confident look with him and left the room. Once she left the cop was more confused and scared to decide what's next. With lots of confusion he came to conclusion to arrest him for that he made him more stronger and left the room. Everyone was looking at him what's he is going to say then stepped towards Alex.)
Cop: Sir, please come with us.
( Alex shared him a confused and serious tone)
Cop: Sir your wife filled an accusation against you for her fathers death and she had evidence too for it also...
(he stopped for a while to complete his words)
Alex: ALSO...
(Alex asked in a cold tone, the cop sighed off and started to speak out)
Cop: Also she stands as a witness for it so we can't do anything, I need to .... Arrest you
( everyone got shocked by his words and started to whisper among them by looking Clae. Alex shared her a lost look to Clae and took a long breath then started to walk towards the entrance and he made everyone stumbled by his words)
(Authors note: Apologize for the delay. Hope you are enjoying my story , please don't take it personally as I said earlier it's just my imagination and also don't curse me if you don't like it also share your valuable comments if you liked it. see you soon)