
Chp. Illegitimate

Kuravos, a kingdom that was located in the peninsular region of the Gygrian continent, was a well off and strong kingdom.

The rule of Kuravos Kingdom was heavily rooted in its familial monarchy. Years years the Amalde family took the spot on the top of the social chain with their amazing monarchs and dukes.

When the ruling monarch would have one son, it was inevitable that he would go on ahead and become the king of the kingdom. And when the monarch would have more than one son, he would crown the most favorable and sharp one as the next succeeding king. 

On the other hand, the remaining sons would get titles as dukes and arcdukes and would get various peices of lands near the coast and even the central lands to rule over as smoothly as possible.

Amalde family, did have a long history of ruling monarchs that no one would ever question their authority as the rulers even though they held high positions in the court of the kingdom.