49: Mirror, Mirror on the ceiling

The male guard looked a little flushed. But he also seemed to be built similar to her. And it gave Aurora a solution to her problem.

"Ah, sure. Can you follow behind me? I need to sit down to show you the pass."

The guard followed behind her nervously.

Maybe he could sense that something was wrong. Or he could tell that he was not going to like what was about to happen.

But the guard immediately tried to fall once Aurora shut the door close behind her.

It was a passable effort. But the guard did not make it very far. Aurora's nerve strike knocked him out cold.

"Sorry. It's not your fault. I just need your clothes to be able to blend in."

Aurora apologized. However, her actions contradicted her words.

Luckily for the guard, she was a male. Aurora did not feel too bad leaving him in his under-clothes once she was finished.

A good thing about being dressed as a common guard was the lack of attention it drew toward Aurora. She could blend in far easier.