61: Lord of our race

"L-Leader. The sky is falling. W-What should we do?"

Reptilian grey eyes watched the fast-descending meteorite fall toward the earth. The small shapes around the leader hopped around in panic.

"Don't worry. That thing is not the sky, but a human. You all head back for now and I will check those people."

"B-But leader…"

The small subordinate had no way of opposing her leader.

Even if she did happen to say something sensible, chances were that the leader would just refuse to listen to her words.

In the end, the smaller figure could only order her people to leave.

"Be a careful leader. Those humans might not be our friends. I don't want to see you dead."

The leader just rolled her eyes at the obvious worry her subordinate was showing.

It was sweet of the smaller rabbit to care about her like that. But there was no need to be so cautious of the humans.

"Don't worry. I can take care of myself. After all, I am stronger than I look."