72: Realm of possibilities - part 2

"This child, has he always been like this?"

Aurora found those words difficult to speak. She had not expected to see this kid after her re-birth.

His existence was an unaccounted factor for Aurora and she could not even compute how this had happened. Where had this child come from when Emilia was supposed to be an only child?

"Y-Yes. S-o, what do you think? What should I do with this kid?"

Aurora looked the man in the eye. The man was taking a huge risk by telling Aurora about the truth behind this child.

"First of all, calm down and tell me the truth. Is this child and Emilia related? They look to be about the same age as each other."

If thighs were really as Aurora had suspected them to be, then she would have to change her approach toward this topic.

She also had to be careful to not let the tower find out about the existence of this teen.