76: The game - part 2

"So only one of you retained by magic? It is better than I expected. Seems like my gamble paid off after all."

The goddess of victory sounded pleased as she observed the twins in front of her.

She had not touched the kids yet but Aurora knew it was only a matter of time before the elder goddess made a move.

"It's a pity that only one of you will survive and inherit my powers once I die. I wonder which one of you it is going to be."

The goddess's words caused a wave of discomfort to build up inside Aurora. Just what did the goddess mean by those words?

Emilia looked like she was about to faint. The poor girl was white in the face but Jospeh looked determined.

"Ah, you did realize what I am talking about. You are a smart boy, aren't you? A pity you did not inherit my powers as well. You would have been a certain candidate as the next god."

The goddess commented and Aurora finally felt it click what she was saying.