78: Part of the plan - part 2

The tower had fallen into a state of quiet for the past few hours. Ever since Lady Minerva had arrived back from the Horax village, she had been in a strange mood.

The rumor in the tower was that she lost something important in the village she could not talk about.

Everyone was curious about her present state but no one had the guts to be able to ask her what happened openly.

"Maybe it's because she wants to get laid but cannot. No man is good enough for her."

"Maybe she prefers women but is too shy? Should I take my chances with her? Lady Minerva is cold but beautiful, you know."

"I know. She is that kind of beauty."

"Keep your voice down. You never know who might be listening in on you."

"You are right. I don't want to get in trouble but maybe it is worth it if the punisher is as beautiful as Lady Minerva."

"Oh! Is that what you all think of Lady Minerva? I had no idea she was so famous in you young people."