93: The cold republic - part 2

The cold walls of the Northern Palace felt restrictive to the small princess. The cold was seeping into her body, making her senses go numb.

But the small beauty was used to such treatment. Her body was used to enduring the cold since she had lived in such an environment for a long time.

"Hey, do you know when the people from the academy will be here? Will lord Karan accompany them as well?"

The small beauty's voice was extremely cold. It held no emotion and caused the maids around her to flinch.

This action of the maids did not even phase the small princess. She had long gotten used to such treatment and even lost hope that these people will come around.

It made taken years for the princess to realize that her maids feared her. They never told the princess why they feared her, but they did.

And they were not the only ones.

Everyone except the head maid feared her.