97: Catching the Rats - part 2

The people following Aurora and the others were more than good. They were even able to evade Aurora's divine senses.

But they could not evade her system's biometric scanning feature. That was the only reason Aurora knew where those people were.

But it was a tiring process since Aurora had to take into account the people she could sense with her powers and find out the missing dots in the system map.

It was a next to impossible task for such a crowded place. Aurora would have to bait her stalkers out to follow her for such a task.

Thankfully, she was not alone. She could already sense Alexander approaching her direction with inhuman speed.

It was time to start her plan and head out. Alexander will find her without much problem.

"Hey kid, are you lost? Do you need help in finding your parents?"

The good thing about being a kid right now was that Aurora would be underestimated. That was what she had been counting on.