102: The trial - part 3

Clove's cold hands on Aurora's forehead were a sharp reminder that this was no longer her reality. This was a play on Aurora's memories and she should not be taken in by them.

"I am alright. The last fight just knocked the wind out of me but I'll recover quickly."

Initially, Aurora had wanted to ask which floor of the abyss they were at currently.

Knowing the floor might help Aurora jog her memories a little bit. But asking this question would also alert Clove that something is wrong.

As far as Aurora could remember, she never had any memory problems. So this sudden change could prove to be disastrous.

"If you are still tired then you should rest. I will wait around for Rita to come back with our supplies. Oh, you might not know who Rita is since the tower assigned her after you and Quince went to battle."

"Rest for now. Things will be better once you wake up."

Rita? Was it her Rita or the one in Aurora's memories? Only time will be able to tell.