104: What to do next - part 2

The air was filled with a feeling of awkwardness. Aurora wanted to start the talk but the atmosphere would not allow her to.

Rita looked uncomfortable as well. So at least Aurora was not alone in her feelings.

"Hey, say something. I don't think I can take the silence anymore. We both know each other, right? Why are you keeping so silent?"

Rita finally decided to break the silence and Aurora could not help the small chuckle that escaped her lips.

Despite what had happened, it seemed as if this was the Rita of the second timeline. It reassured Aurora to see her friend again.

"Rita, calm down. This place is not real, but a temporary space created because of the trial. As long as we complete it, we should be free to go."

Aurora was becoming more and more sure of this face. Rita's existence in this place could not be counted on anything else.

"But this place looks so much like the one in my memories from the last trail. Even the people here are the same. It's making me confused."