108: Interlude of the night - part 2

Oncer Aurora had left Rita and Natasha alone, the pair did not know what they should do next.

In retrospect, Aurora was their leader and also the one who had the most idea of what was going on in this trial.

"I should get going as well. I don't know what would happen if the tower find out I was here. I am still under prohibition."

Out of everyone present in the trial, Rita was in the most difficult situation. Since she was someone who had been sent as the backup by the tower, she was not trusted by the party.

And Rita was sure she would be cornered by Quince sooner rather than later.

"Alright. Take care of yourself."

Rita nodded along before she left the safety of the medical hall. She did not want to go to sleep just yet so Rita decided to roam around for some time.

And that was when she a head full of golden hair top-towing around the camp. The familiar silhouette caused Rita to try and investigate why Quince was sneaking around the base.