119: The truth of the matter - part 3

Natasha was curious about the information Aurora and that assassin were talking about. She was also envious of Aurora for getting the information instead of Natasha.

Natasha did not know why she was feeling like this. It was true that she was still a child while Aurora was much older and was just stuck in a child's body because of a curse.

But feelings were rather irrational like that. Natasha had felt like she had shown her sincerity but to still be tossed aside easily hurt.

'I wish I could do something else while those two are talking. I want to take my mind off this topic.'

Natasha was leaning against the other door when she saw a glance of red in the distance. It looked like someone was running away while being chased.

It looked like Rita was in trouble and Natasha decided to help her.

She took one last glance at the door behind her. Aurora had told her not to leave this place and to call for her if something happened.