122: The shards of a soul - part 3

Everything In Aurora's body told her not to turn around but the host body still did.

If Aurora had been able to, she was sure she would be shaking at the feeling of the familiar magic behind her.

"Lady Zoe, it is nice to see you again. Now, please give me the medicine you promised me."

Aurora felt her hand rising and something falling in her hand. The feeling of abyss Aurora got from the shard was overwhelming.

"I managed to smuggle this out of the abyss with great difficulty. Make sure you take it with great discretion. My Lady would have my head if she knew I gave you this pill."

"After all, Lady Clara hates the tower to death. She will kill you as well if she knew you took this pill."

Aurora felt a shudder go down her spine at the name. Just what kind of trouble had this foolish girl gotten herself into.

Out of the seven major gods, Lady Clara was a name people had erased from their memories. She was an omen of ill-will for this world and everything holy.