147: Taking advantage - part 2

Aurora approached the group who had been eying her carefully. She did not want to give away her intentions but she still wanted to make a lasting impression and hook the man into her trap.

"W-Welcome ladies. What can I do to help you out?"

The man who looked like the ring-leader of this operation looked a little worried and suspicious to see Aurora approach her.

But Aurora knew a perfect way to make the likely-ring leader let his guard down.

"Hello, mister. I and my friend am new here and we got separated from our friends. Since we are new here, I was wondering if you could help us reach the next night-market location?"

Aurora wanted to gag as she let those polite words out. The man in front of her was eying her in a violating way. It made Aurora want to snatch his eyes out.

But not right now.

When Aurora had eyed the man's group from afar, it had not looked like a suspicious bunch. Most people were eying Aurora back with a curious gaze.