153: Let's set off to the market

"Aurora, are you alright? Did that bastard do something to you? Should I go after him and end his sorry existence?"

As expected, Rita was the first one to reach Aurora. Her panicked voice was a little unexpected and Aurora held on to her arm before Rita could make any foolish decisions.

"Hey, what is going on? Where did Huges go?"

Damian and Natasha had followed right behind Rita but they were a little late in arriving at the scene.

So the scene they came across was one where Aurora held on to Rita for dear life and the redhead was pissed off and ready to murder someone.

"Everyone, calm down. Huges did not do anything except provide me with the location of the next night market. I was just a little startled by his sudden proposal so I made a fuss about it. You should not take it to heart."

"But how can I not be worried? You were alone in here with that man. What if he had…"