172: 404: Error - part 2

The light of the teleportation pool was blinding but it did not hurt Aurora's eyes. She could still see clearly when she opened her eyes after being transported to the 8th floor.

However, Quince and Clove did not seem to be having as good a time as she was. Clove seemed to be adjusting better but Quince looked miserable.

"Darn it Clove. Why did you have to push us all in? Are you even alright? I cannot see anything right now."

Aurora sighed before making her way toward Quince. The poor teen might not be liked by Aurora but he had been someone Aurora had respected and dependent on.

He had also kept Clove safe this far for Aurora so she did not mind helping him feel better.

'I guess I did care for Quince even after all our fights.'

Aurora's hands covered the teen's eyes and she endured the elbow jab she got in her stomach for her effort.

'This brat! I want him to go blind now,' but Aurora did help him out even with her mental complaining.