179: Catching a dwarf

"Ready to head out now? I tracked our guy down and he's nearby."

The short period of rest had done a lot for Aurora's physical health. Her fortitude was the goddess's recovery tool, but natural rest was still superior.

Even one hour was enough to make her feel energetic.

"Sure. Should we bury our tracks this far? We've not bothered to hide our presence this far but it could get problematic if we were to get followed from here on."

"We should. We were not on the tower's radar before but I feel like the tower will start to take us seriously from here on."

Aurora was sure that the tower would become a bigger problem for them from here on. The only reason their group had not been targeted this far was that no one knew their affiliations.

But Aurora knew that Quince would not keep their secret. And once the tower knew, their security would be non-existing.

"Ok, Take a few steps back and I will torch the place down. Don't give me that look. This much is easy to do."