184: Easing it out - part 1

It did not take long for the kiss to get heated up. One second Rita and Natasha were trying to go slow, the next second Rita exerted pressure against Natasha's lips.

It was quite a desperate kiss where both sides gave as good as it came. There was no pressure of being good for the other.

It was hard and fast sucking, both partied trying to overpower the other. The outside presence disappeared from around the pair.

Rita finally won the tongue battle, her tongue coming out to lick Natasha's lips. Her grip on the black-haired girl forced her to open her mouth.

Natasha was being utterly dominated and she knew that as well. Rita was giving her no chance to back out of this arrangement.

"R-Rita, you need to slow down. You are not in your right headspace."

Natasha complained but she did not hold herself back either. Her lips chased Rita's tongue and her tongue came out to lick across Rita's face as well.