188: A new project starts

"Oh, me? Nah, it'll be alright in the end. You just focus on yourself and I will take care of myself for now. Besides, I have the overlooker's blessings to be here right now. I doubt she would cause any problems for me."

'That damned snake. I wish I could boil her and feed her remains to the beasts in this abyss.'

Zoe cursed as she watched Ava make quick work of the beasts on her floor. This was not even her domain but Ava was not holding back.

Moreover, she had used the cursed magic which would make it impossible to revive these monsters. Ava was crippling Zoe indirectly.

But despite all this, Ava had not lied when she said that she had permission to be on that floor. Zoe had given in and allowed Ava entry into the Death Pool.

'If only Ava had not promised her Lady Clara's soul fragment in return. I would have never agreed to her demands.'

The fact, however, was that Ava had discovered a way to take advantage of Zoe's flaw and was doing so to her greatest advantage.