199: A night out - part 1

"Finally, we're out of that stiff space. The past few days felt like they were dragging along. I had so many places banned to me that it was not even funny."

Rita's yelling echoed across the valley. The group had finally left the Rocx academy after a few delays and ration rechecks. (Mostly to avoid being followed by a certain guest.)

It had been difficult to avoid Lady Violet's watchful eye. The female seemed to have made a home in the Rocx academy. Her presence was almost everywhere.

And to lessen the Lady's suspicion and reach to sensitive areas, many places had been made off-limit even to the academy staff. Even Rita had not been spared from this ban, but that was for good reasons.

"It does feel good to be out here. I think we are far enough to let Ur out of his bag."

Astoria opened the pouch she had been dragging in the cart behind her. The grumpy dragon made a run for his life as soon as the bag opened.