201: A small human - part 1

"Well, this was easy. The monster had no protection outside of its covering. Now then. What should we do with its body? Since it is not the abyss, the body is unlikely to disappear for some time now."

Aurora approached the body in front of her carefully. It was a rotten corpse but the monster was very valuable.

It had a lot of ingredients that could be harvested if the body was still freshly slain. And Aurora got to work as soon as she saw an opportunity.

"Here, use this scalp. I will help you out as soon as I am finished with the tail."

Aurora was not the only one who had the idea of harvesting the body. Astoria's eyes were shining at the discovery of rare ingredients in front of her.

Knowing how loyal Astoria was to her art of alchemy, it was no wonder that she had decided to start harvesting the corpse as well.

"Well Ur, looks like we are the outcasts here. Let's have a look around in the meantime. I don't think it's a good idea to distribute these two anytime soon."