212: A passionate entry - part 1

Rita felt like puking as soon as she stepped inside the praying hall. The smell that had been faint until now was all over the place.

It was a sweet but overpowering smell that made Rita feel dizzy. But her will to keep herself awake was stronger than the smell's desire to put her to sleep.

The people in the hall were sleeping quietly as the priest kept on speaking in hushed words. Rita could hear them but they did not register in her head. All she was feeling was dizziness.

"Hey miss, let me help you out. I am sure you will feel better as soon as you sit down-"

Rita pushed her hand out of the priest's arms, his face flushed at the notion of being touched.

'Danger. Danger. Danger. Danger. Danger.'

The words repeated inside Rita's head as she took a step back. The feeling of having her energy sucked out was so strong in the room that Rita wanted to get away.

Whatever was going on in here was not normal.

"Is something wrong up there?"