215: The aftermath - part 2

"Since this is going to be your first session with me without any pre-reference data, let me make a few things clear to you right here and now. First, there will be no emotions attached to this deal."

"Both of us will consider it a business transaction and that will be it. I will help you out forever with how long it takes for you to get cured and then we will go our separate ways. Is that understood?"

The no-nonsense voice coming out of that cute face sends Aurora's senses in a whiplash. But she did understand why the Nymph had used such a business-like approach.

For someone who had to deal with sex constantly, this was a good approach to protect one's heart.

As for Aurora, it worked since she wasn't looking to form a connection with the Nymph in the long term anyway.

"Then, let's get started. Seeing the state of your body, it will be advisable to not delay the initial procedure. Would it feel more comfortable if we engage in foreplay before the initial deal?"