217: Just a meeting

Welcome to the Royal Palace of the Eastern Continent, I'd like to officially say. Hope you all had a great journey this far. Oh, I know some of you stayed here last night, but try to put your previous stays aside and treat this as your first time here.

The cheerful face of Noctus looked lack at Aurora and her companions. They had finally gotten to regroup and take a breath of fresh air before being whisked away by the Royal Soldiers.

Word on the street was that Lady Mei had returned to the tower already and it was finally safe for them to come out.

Most people were surprised when Lady Mei chose to depart all of a sudden. Nobody had, however, been able to prevent her from departing.

"Ignore the past experiences he says. It's not like we almost didn't die back there or something."

Aurora sighed at Rita's complaining tone. There was a clear reason for Rita to be irritated but it had nothing to do with the Royal Family.