223: The ridges [pt2]

"Clove, why are you doing this? What is your purpose? Whatever it is, we can talk it over among each other and solve it."

Aurora hoped that Clove at least heard what she had to say and would take the time to think about it. But all Aurora received in return for her efforts was a blank stare.

Clove's face said that she did not want to talk about anything right now, nor did she have the patience to sit around and listen to Aurora.

There was an anxiety in her body language that betrayed her intentions of stalling Aurora.

"Clove, step aside. You and I do not need to butt heads here. Even if you did something wrong, as long as you do not stop me I won't blame you for it."

Having spent so much time with Clove before and knowing how Clove thought and acted, there was no way Aurora could ever blame Clove for her choices. Even if Clove intended to hurt everyone, Aurora was too biased to blame her.