237: A clash of ideals [pt1]

"This is not funny in the least. But if you think that an illusion of this caliber will stop me then you are sorely mistaken."

Seraphina took in the illusion that she had been brought face-to-face with. The fact in front of her looked scared and lifeless but the child was still alive.

His eyes were covered with the help of black cloth and his body trembled with fear of being killed off. But the child still held on to his beliefs, his mouth shut tightly to not let any sound out.

The life-like illusion would have confused anyone but Seraphina was a little different. Her anger made her notice the lack of emotions emitting from the person in front of her.

"H-Hello, is anyone there? I-If there is, then can you help me out?"

Joseph sounded scared as he asked for help but Seraphina just raised her sword and slashed through the illusion. As she had expected, her sword passed cleanly through the body without harming even a single hair on Joseph's head.