249: The conclusion of the attack [pt2]

It was for the second time in Aurora's life that she had ended up in such a situation. And just like any other time, this one did not feel great as well.

But unlike the last ceremony, this one was held all over the world. As if echoing the solemn mood, the world had turned into a white field as well.

Aurora felt as if it was all unfair for her to be faced with this so soon.

"You should not let things such as these keep you down. Death is a natural part of the process known as life. And I am sure that child wanted to rest as well. Don't think too much about it."

Aurora wanted to agree but her heart was not in it.

However, she knew she had to say something to let the alliance leader know that she understood.

It was her first time meeting the leader of the alliance but she wished that it was under better circumstances that she did.

"I know that I should not let it get me down but I cannot help but feel like I bear partial responsibility for this."