254: An all out asset [pt1]

The negotiations went better than Aurora had expected them to go. The boss of this floor had also been easier to deal with this time around than the last.

Maybe it was because Aurora had matured as a person or maybe because she was much more powerful than the other time around, but Aurora felt so much better after coming out of the room.

Rita's worried expression was something Aurora had expected to encounter but it still felt good to be looked at in such a way.

"Did everything go alright there? I was worried because you took a long time."

Rita asked as she approached Aurora. The rest of the people were doing a good job of maintaining their distance from her which was alright with Aurora. She did not want them to come near her anyway.

Most of the staff on the floor had ended up approaching her in the meantime which did not help Rita's mood.

It was just putting her even more on edge and that was Aurora's cue to get her out of there before any unfortunate accident happened.