265: Clicking [pt1]

"Rita, take hold of Angela and go together with Ur. I will find a way to you."

Rita only needed to hear those words to follow Aurora's commands. Her body was moving on auto-pilot to follow what Aurora wanted anyway.

'It sucks that Aurora will not be with me but I still need to fulfill the duty she left to me.'

Rita was a devoted person and that was why she dove after Angela who was falling without any foothold. Ur had also heard Aurora's order as he made a dive beneath Angela to catch her.

Once Angela was safely on Ur's back, Rita also slowed down her fall. She used the falling debris to align herself right and to land softly on the ground.

"Are all of you alright?"

Rita asked as soon as she was on the ground. She was light on her feet so the impact she made did not make any sound. Quince looked a little startled at hearing Rita's voice before he collected his mind.